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First ship to use new sea route delivers aid to Gaza, Israeli military says


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Autocracy apologists were telling us it would take months. Those were some pretty quick months.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Hope that ship just not become another way for occupier to change their tactics. Current occupier genocide tactic by utilizing crowd that desperately waiting for aid. Wait until crowd gathered then shoot them all, it's not hard to shoot crowd, even in Auschwitz this didn't happen.



-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Aid groups said the airdrops and sea shipments are far less efficient than trucks in delivering the massive amounts of aid needed.

Exactly. That is what is needed.

Hope that ship just not become another way for occupier to change their tactics. Current occupier genocide tactic by utilizing crowd that desperately waiting for aid. Wait until crowd gathered then shoot them all, it's not hard to shoot crowd, even in Auschwitz this didn't happen.


But anyway, let's wait and see.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

The Iraelie machine has a term "hasbara "", a hebrew word meaning "explaining ".

But it's main use is as a lie/propaganda/defer/displace technique to hide crimes by Israel {eg the {many journalists shot were a/shot by Hamas b/in crossfire etc. ] where often the IDF will say "we will look into it " and some months later, when public outrage or even interest has lessened, the IDF will admit wrongdoing, not apologise, but say "oh well, these things happen "

Among the daily "hasbara " in play at present is the lies around the "Flour Massacre " where dead people with gun shot wounds were really trampled in a stampede for food..

Some months from now we may hear the IDF come up with an explanation.

The Israelie propaganda machine has a vast reach into the MSM and seeks to dominate the discourse on it's many barbarous actions.

Remember this as they play out this humanitarian trickle into some manifestation of the actions of the "most moral army in the world " {after Idi Amin presumably}

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The amount is less than what five trucks would carry. Gaza needs 500 trucks every day.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

If you're already fairly well versed in the history of the conflict and have the stomach for some impassioned debate I recommend giving this 5 hour debate between Norman Finkelstein and Benny Morris a listen.


I only wish Morris had a better debating partner than 'Destiny'. A pro-gamer turned self-styled 'political analyst' who basically livestreams his google and wikipedia searches. He's truly out of his depth amongst actual scholars and analysts of Middle East history.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Good news but drop in the bucket, Gaza Genocide Famine no laughing matter, US voters watching, especially Youth, Muslim & Arab, will NOT support Biden!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Someone somewhere in D.C. seems to have whispered into Netanyahu's ear that he'd better start to turn a page asap on his "plausible" genocide playbook to help himself and his sponsors wriggle out of an ICJ genocide rap and staunch the haemorrhaging in the polls of his pals who may lose their jobs as the streets of the world erupt with tears of rage at the mass-killing of women and children and the wanton destruction of Gaza with malice aforethought that have now replaced Guernica and Picasso's painting as a symbol of fascist brutality.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

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