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Flowers are left near the site of a 2021 fatal accident in Oita, southwestern Japan, on Thursday. Image: KYODO

Man gets 8 years for dangerous driving resulting in death after charge upgraded


A Japanese court sentenced a man to eight years in prison Thursday for causing a 2021 fatal accident, after the charge was changed from negligent driving resulting in death to the more serious dangerous driving causing death.

The 23-year-old defendant, who was 19 at the time, was traveling at 194 kilometers per hour when he plowed into a car turning right at an intersection on Feb 9, 2021, in Oita, southwestern Japan, killing a 50-year-old man, according to a ruling by the Oita District Court.

The court said the case met the criteria for "uncontrollably high speed" but it did not acknowledge the prosecutors' claim that the driver was trying to prevent the other car from turning right.

The ruling came after prosecutors upgraded the charge in December 2022 and sought a 12-year prison term.

The defendant's name was withheld by the court.


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The court said the case met the criteria for "uncontrollably high speed" but it did not acknowledge the prosecutors' claim that the driver was trying to prevent the other car from turning right.

.How is that even possible or relevant?

There needs to be more commonsense shown by state prosecutors instead of attempting to score inconsequential brownie points.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Good. Should have got more, but 8 years is a start. The dropkick should also be banned for life from driving. Disappointing he cannot be named, as being shamed for life in his community would be another warranted punishment.

RIP to the innocent victim.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

This 19 year old idiot was doing 120 mph and kills someone. And gets only 8 years. Ridiculous.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

If you heard his reason why he was driving so fast, you'd probably think that he should have received at least 20 years plus a hefty restitution to the surviving wife and without any chance of getting another driver's license...at least.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This 19 year old idiot was doing 120 mph and kills someone. And gets only 8 years. Ridiculous.

EXACTLY,Its very very ridiculous.

I am speechless...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

What makes this even more idiotic on the young guys part is if the older driver was making a right turn that means it was NOT on a highway but rather on a normal road where pedestrians , kids etc are possibly walking.

I am not saying I understand it more if he was on a highway but if there is ever a place your going to do something like this is on a highway.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Disappointing he cannot be named, as being shamed for life in his community.............

Following his arrest and being locked up for 8 years his community will know full well who he is.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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