Japan Today

Woman conned out of ¥18 mil in SNS romance scam


A woman in Shirakawa City, Fukushima Prefecture, was defrauded of 18 million yen after believing a false online message from a man claiming to be a celebrity.

According to police, the woman, who is in her 50s, received a message last November via a SNS app from the man, which made her feel romantically involved, Sankei Shimbun reported.

After a few messages were exchanged, the “celebrity” reportedly said: “I am behind in my tax payments and my bank account has been frozen. Please lend me 18 million yen. I'll pay you back double the money I borrow."

The woman believed the story and sent the 18 million yen to the scammer, using cash and electronic money. She contacted police after there was no further contact from the man.

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Sorry, I’m gonna blame the victim this time.

Absolutely stupid.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I hope the loss does not leave her with no money. Likely she is alone if she made this type of mistake.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

"" Sorry, I’m gonna blame the victim this time. ""

100% agree. Hard to believe, with all the warnings and red flags being raised some people just don't get it.

And on top of all that she never met the man either but made the transfers and let him scam her.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Just out of the blue, a celebrity you have never spoken to, contacts you and sends a message that makes you feel romantically involved? That must have been one helluva message! What could it have said? "Honey, come with me to the casbah but send 18 million yen to pay for plane tickets, etc, first" "Will you make my natto for me in the morning? Well, wouldn't ya know it, I'm fresh out of natto so send 18 million yen to ensure I never run out." "Darling, without you, there's no me. So, I need you to send me 18 million yen pronto." How's that saying go about a fool and her money?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

My wife has a friend who has fallen for such scams.

One was "You have won a football lottery in Malaysia.....please send us X amount to set up the transfer to you "

I have an email from a Nigerian Prince...poor fellow....apparently his no good brother....has stolen a tonne of gold bullion....but I can help him etc ect...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

When the heart hurts people, men and women are willing to throw money at it and even the very educated have become victims of scams. It is not easy emotionally and financially to recover from.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Awful,but for context, please read "Delete This at Your Peril".


0 ( +0 / -0 )

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