Japan Today

Japanese police arrest Canadian over smuggling of stimulants hidden in machinery


Japanese police said Friday they have arrested a Canadian national on suspicion of smuggling into Japan hundreds of kilograms of methamphetamine hidden inside large industrial machinery that he had shipped in a container from the United States.

Tokyo metropolitan police said they arrested Vincent Yat Sum Yeung, a 38-year-old company executive and a resident of Yokohama, on Wednesday.

Police said they believe the suspect had unidentified accomplices and are still investigating, but declined to confirm further details.

Police found some 320 kilograms of methamphetamines, divided into 321 bags containing 1 kilogram each, inside a large milling machine shipped from Los Angeles in December 2023, according to Japan's NHK public television.

The haul reportedly had a street value of 21.2 billion yen. The machine and the stimulants had been temporarily stored at a warehouse in the city of Kuki, just north of Tokyo, NHK said.

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100s of kilos of the stuff!!! I bet he wished he were in a Canadian cell right now than in a Japanese one. LOL.

I wonder what his company is.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Yesterday someone from Ukraine try it by putting inside machine, and now someone from Canada?


-7 ( +7 / -14 )

Must be a big market here in japan , which does surprise me !

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Judging from the suspect’s name, Vincent Yat Sum Yeung, he’s originally from Hong Kong or some other Cantonese speaking part of China.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Don't think we're talking Canuck pedigree.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Back in the US, many,many years ago, I could kind of figure out where to buy drugs had I wanted some. I just don't see that here in Japan. Where is the market for such a large amount?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Don't think we're talking Canuck pedigree.

Was he Canadian or holding a Canadian passport?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Don't think we're talking Canuck pedigree.

No. The “an” can be safely removed in his case.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


Today 08:51 am JST

Back in the US, many,many years ago, I could kind of figure out where to buy drugs had I wanted some. I just don't see that here in Japan. Where is the market for such a large amount?

This is how drug cartels and dealers get a market!

They move into areas where little or no drugs are available or used.

Then they send their people out, at first they target occasional users at cheap nearly give away prices, they get them to "give free samples" for some time to friends, clients in bars, schools, work, etc... and they create a dependency and addicts, once there are enough they then raise the prices and start bringing in even more addictive stuff.

This is how entire town in rural Canada became meth dependant communities.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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