Japan Today

Japan COVID deaths 14 times that of flu after guidelines lifted


More than 30,000 people in Japan died of COVID-19 in the first year after most coronavirus-related guidelines were lifted in May 2023, a figure over 14 times higher than deaths caused by influenza during the same period, government data showed Thursday.

Coronavirus infections led to 32,576 deaths during the 12 months, with those aged 65 or older accounting for 97 percent of the total, while the number of influenza fatalities reached 2,244, according to the health ministry's vital statistics.

After the virus was downgraded to the same legal status as influenza on May 8 last year, the government removed guidelines, including the seven-day quarantine period for those who tested positive, to facilitate the normalization of social and economic activities.

"Each of us has to think about how we can lessen the number of victims in Japan as we face an aging society," said Hitoshi Oshitani, a virology professor at Tohoku University.

The government discontinued financial support for coronavirus treatment and prevention on April 1.

The coronavirus continues to mutate, forming new variants that remain highly contagious and spread rapidly. In 2022, 47,638 people died after contracting the virus, as the Omicron strain became prevalent. The death toll dropped to 38,086 in 2023, aided by the effects of vaccination and natural immunity, according to the data.

"In order to reduce the number of deaths while continuing social economic activities, the government should provide financial aid for the elderly to take tests and receive vaccines," Oshitani said.

Fatalities for the January-April period of 2024 were compiled from preliminary data.


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97% were over 65, no doubt them younger would already have medical conditions related to obesity. Wasn’t too long ago we was told everyone is in danger, I knew that was false from reading the data inn2024 that showed deaths by age and with existing conditions and also obesity rates,

-15 ( +8 / -23 )

97% were over 65, no doubt them younger would already have medical conditions related to obesity. Wasn’t too long ago we was told everyone is in danger, I knew that was false from reading the data inn2024 that showed deaths by age and with existing conditions and also obesity rates,

But the same can be said for influenza; it most strongly affects the elderly and those with underlying conditions.

So is there no difference?

16 ( +18 / -2 )

More than 30,000 deaths. Does the number include deaths from vaccine side effects? A bit of a shock to know that people 65 or older account for 97 percent of the deaths. That will reduce pension payments considerably.

-16 ( +7 / -23 )

97% of deaths were over the age of 65 and if it hadn’t been covid, it would have been from influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, or falling down and breaking a hip. That’s pretty good and I’m not being sarcastic, just cynical because the elderly can die of just about anything!

-1 ( +13 / -14 )

after most coronavirus-related guidelines were lifted in May 2023

What guidelines. Schools were in full operation in 2022, there were stores and bars open...some restaurants didn't serve alcohol after 8pm. What were the numbers before "the guidelines were lifted"?

6 ( +10 / -4 )

And still the fear mongering continues. When does this stop? These are classifications that do not account for the real cause of death, if you look at the original data released.

And what a ahock, old people die of something all the time.

-6 ( +11 / -17 )

Fear monger and misinformation continues in Japan.

The reason "covid is killing more than influenza" is because covid basically replaced influenza. There are now way less influenza infections than back in 2019, so it only makes sense for there to be less deaths.

What guidelines. Schools were in full operation in 2022, there were stores and bars open...some restaurants didn't serve alcohol after 8pm. What were the numbers before "the guidelines were lifted"?

They are talking about the dumb mask and not allowing foreigners into the country.

They still beleive that if we just close borders and use masks at open places, while continuing to ride trains at 200% capacity, that we can somehow stop covid.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

MeiyouwentiToday  07:50 am JST

More than 30,000 deaths. Does the number include deaths from vaccine side effects? A bit of a shock to know that people 65 or older account for 97 percent of the deaths. That will reduce pension payments considerably.

And the Earth is flat and we never went to the moon right?

14 ( +17 / -3 )

Trained by non-medical personnel and non-science people who produce this junk, the tired of story of Covid being just for money and vaccines kill more diseases than they prevent are the flag the right flies under. Covid is a thing. Vaccines save lives. Doesn't anyone remember "Pennies for Polio"? I'm glad I'm vaccinated for all that I'm vaccinated for. I don't have a paralyzed leg, the flu, or, yes, even Covid.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

""After the virus was downgraded to the same legal status as influenza on May 8 last year, the government removed guidelines, including the seven-day quarantine period for those who tested positive, to facilitate the normalization of social and economic activities.""

In other words, MONEY MONEY MONEY comes first.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Geeter and Louis - good posts.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Died WITH is not the same as died OF - and any article conflating it is disingenuous

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

The average lifespan in Japan is 80, just FYI. So people dying at 65 is a huge loss of lifetime. Most people live through the Flu, more people do not survive Covid. It also leaves lingering issues even if you survive it. I'll never understand the "business as usual" people who have to try to put down the risk so they can what? Cough in people's faces unmasked? A modicum of care for your fellow humans is apparently under-rated in today's narcissistic sociopath society. Idiots even attack people in the street over wearing masks that ARE PROTECTING THE PEOPLE ATTACKING THEM. Get over yourselves, you're not the main character. If you're worth less than a billion dollars you don't even exist in this society. And you certainly don't understand medical science, among other topics.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

A modicum of care for your fellow humans is apparently under-rated in today's narcissistic sociopath society

Be fair, people are willing to show care for their fellow humans as long as they can record themselves doing it and get lots of "likes".

Same thing with the whole "I know more from a few youtube posts than someone who has spent five or more years in med school and then spent another two years understudying specialists" people. It's nothing more than the need for attention.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Died WITH is not the same as died OF - and any article conflating it is disingenuous

Wow, dredging up the talking points of three, four years ago. That's original.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

"In order to reduce the number of deaths while continuing social economic activities, the government should provide financial aid for the elderly to take tests and receive vaccines," Oshitani said.

I do not know what that is supposed to mean. I got the invitation for the free mRNA shot (no thanks, btw) in the mail, does not everybody here?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

In order to reduce the number of deaths while continuing social economic activities, the government should provide financial aid for the elderly to take tests and receive vaccines," Oshitani said.

I do not know what that is supposed to mean. I got the invitation for the free mRNA shot (no thanks, btw) in the mail, does not everybody here?

The meaning is perfectly clear. The salient question is: When did you receive that invitation?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The same posters here banging on about Covid conspiracy theories like it’s 2021 - yawn.

1 ( +4 / -3 )


The meaning is perfectly clear. The salient question is: When did you receive that invitation?

Just recently. Can´t check it, it is in the garbage.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


The meaning is perfectly clear. The salient question is: When did you receive that invitation?

Just recently. Can´t check it, it is in the garbage.

Thanks. The program for free vaccinations ended effective this past April this year.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Wow, dredging up the talking points of three, four years ago. That's original.

You cannot refute it so you resort to snarky comments. That is, original indeed.

Or the capacity to understand such a difference is lacking, so any other comments made can probably be discounted.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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