Japan Today
A TV screen shows a file image of North Korean missiles being launched, during a news program at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, on Wednesday. Image: AP/Ahn Young-joon

S Korea and Japan say N Korea test-fired ballistic missiles in latest military display


North Korea on Wednesday test-fired multiple ballistic missiles toward its eastern seas, the South Korean and Japanese militaries said, adding to its military demonstrations as tensions with Washington and neighbors escalate.

The launches come days after North Korea offered a rare view into a secretive facility built to enrich uranium for nuclear bombs as leader Kim Jong Un called for a rapid expansion of his nuclear weapons program.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said it detected North Korea firing multiple short-range ballistic missiles from north of its capital, Pyongyang, and said they traveled about 400 kilometers (244 miles) while flying toward the northeast.

The joint chiefs said it was closely communicating with the United States and Japan while analyzing the launches but didn’t immediately provide further flight details.

Japan’s defense ministry said it detected at least two launches but didn’t immediately say what types of missiles they were and how far they flew.

Japan’s coast guard said the missiles were believed to have already fallen into waters between the Korean Peninsula and Japan and urged vessels to watch out for falling objects. Japan’s NHK television said the missiles were believed to have landed outside of Japan’s exclusive economic zone.

The South Korean joint chiefs condemned the launches as a provocation that “seriously threatens peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula." It said in a statement that South Korean and U.S. militaries were closely monitoring North Korean activities while maintaining a combined defense posture “to respond overwhelmingly to any provocation.”

North Korea didn't immediately confirm the launches. They followed a previous round of ballistic tests last week as Kim vowed to have his nuclear force fully ready for battle with its rivals.

The North said the launches on Sept. 12 involved its “super-large” 600mm multiple rocket launchers, which it describes as capable of delivering tactical nuclear warheads. Experts say North Korea’s large-sized artillery rockets blur the boundary between artillery systems and ballistic missiles because they can create their own thrust and are guided during delivery.

Since 2022, North Korea has ramped up its weapons testing activities to expand and modernize its arsenal of nuclear missiles targeting the U.S. and South Korea. The allies have expanded their combined military exercises and are updating their nuclear deterrence strategies based on U.S. assets to counter the North’s growing threat.

Analysts say Kim’s long-term goal is to force the United States to accept the idea of the North as a nuclear power and negotiate economic and security concessions from a position of strength.

While disclosing the uranium enrichment facility last week, Kim called for stronger efforts to “exponentially” increase its number of nuclear weapons in the face of what he described as U.S. threats. State media published photos that showed Kim talking with military officials and scientists between long lone lines of centrifuges used to produce weapons-grade uranium, but the reports didn’t say where the facility was located or when Kim made the visit.

Analysts say North Korea could conduct a nuclear test explosion or long-range missile test ahead of the U.S. presidential election in November with the intent of influencing the outcome and increasing its leverage in future dealings with the new U.S. administration.

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Well, North Korea certainly is a damn good excuse for Pacific countries to arm themselves, regardless of how much China's protests against it.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

What did North Korea say they launched? The Japanese military, historically, hasn't been very trustworthy. South Korea and Japan just have to learn that North Korea exists and has a right to test weapons. Certainly. no people or animals were harmed in the testing of the weapons. That is, if they were indeed weapons...

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

"S Korea and Japan say N Korea test-fired ballistic missiles in latest military display."

It seems like Kim San was testing his upgraded toys this morning.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

A few points to single out here. You will notice that Kim always blames the US for heightened tensions.

You should also notice a pattern once joint military exercises have come to a conclusion. He always lets a few off the chain as a response. Kim should expand his dialog to allies. Not the US.

Now can you blame Korea and Japan for wanting to arm itself? North Korea can hit Guam, California, Washington state. Korea, Okinawa, and all of Korea. I will say this. The North is getting closer and closer and in pace with Iran stride for stride on missile development.. Iran and North Korea are buying missile upgrades from someone. North Korea 10 years ago. Was just a threat to the region. No longer.

Its foolish of any country being threated with nuclear weapons not to. One, arm itself, two surpass the aggressors weaponry and armament.

Japan has some of the most advanced hypersonic rockets the world has ever seen.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

stormcrowToday  09:15 am JST

Well, North Korea certainly is a damn good excuse for Pacific countries to arm themselves, regardless of how much China's protests against it.

Not an 'excuse'. Kimmy lately has been sending balloons full of trash and crap over the DMZ so he hasn't got a doggone right to say a word about any of this. He needs to man up and shut up!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why does North Korea keep test-firing missiles? Does it believe it can win a war with the U.S. should it ever occur?

The outcome of hostilities is determined by the economic power of the relevant countries as was shown in the Pacific War, in which Imperial Japan was crushed to the nail. Of course, economically less powerful could inflict some damage upon more powerful. Een so, the consequence is more than apparent.   

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un must know this fact more than anyone else, so that he would never start a war with the U. S. himself, for sure.  

And so, what's the big deal to say that North Korea is a threat to the region and world peace?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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