Japan Today
NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium Image: iStock/Cineberg

Japan, NATO defense chiefs agree to ramp up cooperation


The defense ministers of Japan and three other Indo-Pacific countries agreed at their first meeting with their NATO counterparts on Thursday in Brussels to boost cooperation, amid China's growing military assertiveness and Russia's protracted invasion of Ukraine.

Japanese Defense Minister Gen Nakatani called on the NATO ministers and his counterparts from Australia, New Zealand and South Korea to expand coordinated efforts against unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion.

"The war in Ukraine has shown that instability in Europe can have far reaching consequences across the world, and that countries thousands of miles away -- as far away as Iran, China and even North Korea -- can become security spoilers in our own backyard," said NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte.

"Our world is closely linked -- and so is our security," Rutte added.

The ministers also discussed how to work together to support Ukraine, boost cyber defenses, defense production and innovation as well as counter disinformation and harness new technologies including artificial intelligence, according to NATO.

Earlier in the day, Nakatani held talks with Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and vowed that Japan will provide additional Self-Defense Forces vehicles to Kyiv in support of its efforts to repel Russia's full-scale invasion that began in 2022.

Japan sent 101 trucks and other SDF vehicles to Ukraine between May 2023 and March 2024.

NATO has invited leaders from Asian and Oceanian countries to its summits since 2022.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who was in Belgium to pitch his victory plan and urge European leaders to issue an immediate invitation to join NATO, said at a press conference in Brussels that he was grateful for Japan's support.

Japan fears that what happened in Ukraine could also occur in East Asia, with Taiwan facing an increased military threat from China, which earlier in the week conducted large-scale military drills around the self-ruled island that Beijing claims as part of its territory.

On Ukraine's aspiration to join NATO, Rutte told a separate press conference before the meeting with the Indo-Pacific defense ministers that while the timing remains uncertain, Ukraine will become a member of the alliance in the future.

Nakatani also discussed cooperation among the four Indo-Pacific countries in separate talks with the defense ministers from Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea.

After the meeting of NATO and Indo-Pacific ministers, Nakatani is scheduled to attend the first-ever defense ministerial gathering of the Group of Seven countries later this week in Italy.


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Some of those trucks/vehicles they gave Kyiv have been videoed in RFAF service. One of the Toyota Mega Cruisers even had a ZU-23 AA autocannon mounted in the rear to give it more hitting power.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

month in month out, year in year out, any number of countries/alliances/agencies jet about the planet holding meetings to agree to agree...... and yet the world's continuingly and increasingly in a sorry state..... so my guess is that they're none of them much good at what they're paid for. but hey.... great perks eh, guys n gals? (especially guys!)

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

JJEToday 04:53 pm JST

Some of those trucks/vehicles they gave Kyiv have been videoed in RFAF service. One of the Toyota Mega Cruisers even had a ZU-23 AA autocannon mounted in the rear to give it more hitting power.

Good on you, Japan.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Doesn't really matter if one or two end up in terrorist hands.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

More 脫亞論. One day Japan will rediscover its Asian roots.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Japan's kicked Russia's posterior before. They know that if push comes to shove they could do it again. And you can't have too many allies against a deranged psychopath like Putin.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

They know that if push comes to shove they could do it again. 

You’re out of touch with Japanese politicians.

They know that if push comes to shove they would not be able to do it again because Russia is a nuclear power.

That’s why they are for nuclear weapons.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Any defense agreement means our taxes will go up. Buckle up guys!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

deanzaZZRToday  05:39 pm JST

More 脫亞論. One day Japan will rediscover its Asian roots.

Figures your PC is set for Chinese characters. In Japan it's 脱亜論.

Asian nations all are aware of their Asian roots. They just don't want to go back to becoming Chinese tributary states.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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