Japan Today
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Kazan
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping walk during a meeting on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia October 22, 2024. Kristina Kormilitsyna/BRICS-RUSSIA2024.RU Host Photo Agency via REUTERS Image: Reuters/Kristina Kormilitsyna/BRICS-RUSS

Xi tells Putin world is in chaos but friendship with Russia will endure


Chinese President Xi Jinping told Russia's Vladimir Putin that the international situation was gripped by chaos but that Beijing's strategic partnership with Moscow was a force for stability amid the most significant changes seen in a century.

Xi and Putin in May pledged a "new era" of partnership between the two most powerful rivals of the United States, which they cast as an aggressive Cold War hegemon sowing chaos across the world.

"At present, the world is going through changes unseen in a hundred years, the international situation is intertwined with chaos," Xi told Putin in the Russian city of Kazan at the opening of the BRICS summit.

"But I firmly believe that the friendship between China and Russia will continue for generations, and great countries’ responsibility to their people will not change."

Russia, waging war against NATO-supplied Ukrainian forces, and China, under pressure from a concerted U.S. effort to counter its growing military and economic strength, increasingly have found common geopolitical cause.

Russia and China, pushing back against perceived humiliations of the 1991 Soviet collapse and centuries of European colonial dominance of China, have sought to portray the West as decadent and in decline.

The United States casts China as its biggest competitor and Russia as its biggest nation-state threat, and President Joe Biden has said the democracies face a challenge from autocracies such as China and Russia.

Biden has referred to Xi as a "dictator" and has said Putin is a "killer" and even a "crazy SOB". Beijing and Moscow have scolded Biden for the comments.

Putin called Xi "dear friend" and said the partnership with China was a force for stability in the world.

"Russian-Chinese cooperation in world affairs is one of the main stabilising factors on the world stage," Putin said.

"We intend to further enhance coordination on all multilateral platforms in order to ensure global security and a just world order."

Xi said cooperation in the BRICS group was "the most important platform for solidarity and cooperation between emerging market countries and developing countries in the world today."

He said it was "a mainstay force in promoting the realization of equal and orderly global multipolarity, as well as inclusive and tolerant economic globalisation."

© Thomson Reuters 2024.

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The world is in chaos because of Putin starting the first major war in Europe since WW2, Xi.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Yes, the country with a bunch of territorial conflicts, a recent coup attempt, and a recent terrorist attack is a source of stability /s

1 ( +5 / -4 )

"We intend to further enhance coordination on all multilateral platforms in order to ensure global security and a just world order."

Now hand over your territory or else!!!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

which they cast as an aggressive Cold War hegemon sowing chaos across the world.

Russia/ China and the nations led by despots supporting Putin/Xi and the axis of totalitarianism want to establish a new world order with them as hegemon. The westerners and others supporting them should shift to one of the totalitarian states, unless they already live there, where they'd get a big brother/cult leader to control their lives, and not be flummoxed by having to make their own choices as to what to think and believe.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

It was a big mistake to help these 2 bullies economically. It would have been best to have not helped them at all and let them continue pedaling backwards.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It was a big mistake to help these 2 bullies economically. It would have been best to have not helped them at all and let them continue pedaling backwards.

Sadly, the lure of profits in China and Russia now trumped any future, big-picture thinking, as is apt to be the case.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Like recognises like. They would both be running a literal dictatorship (i.e. actually no political opposition at all) if they had their respective ways. As it is, Putin just has the Russian election rigged so he wins a level of the vote that might even embarrass Fatboy Kim over in NK.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It was a big mistake to help these 2 bullies economically. It would have been best to have not helped them at all and let them continue pedaling backwards.

And I bet you know the winner of "the game" the next day AFTER it was played too. Nice. We call them "Monday morning quarterbacks" around here.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Xi completely understands that Moscow's limited ground operation is defensive in nature and heavily provoked by outside quarters messing with a certain neutral status since 2014.

No amount of pumping smoke through a trumpet obscures this fact.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

 Moscow's limited ground operation is defensive in nature

Just for the record, every time you post this I'm going to call it out for the blatant lie it is.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

the partnership with China was a force for stability in the world.

"Russian-Chinese cooperation in world affairs is one of the main stabilising factors on the world stage," Putin said.

in order to ensure global security and a just world order.

Just how many lies do these people spout? Not that it matters - no-one believes a word they say anyway.

JJEToday 08:33 am JST

Xi completely understands that Moscow's limited ground operation is defensive in nature and heavily provoked by outside quarters messing with a certain neutral status since 2014.

See above.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The most powerful alliance in the world..

Go BRICS for a new free world order..

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The world is in chaos because of Putin starting the first major war in Europe since WW2, Xi.

And who is really responsible for what is happening now, because RUSSIA has been cornered since the end of the Second World War????...

Again, get a book and learn history, it's easy and free..

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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