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© 2025 AFPTrump signs order to pull U.S. from WHO
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Good. The WHO has proven time and again that it serves the interests of global elites, not the people. From pushing questionable mandates to enabling China's lies about COVID, it's clear their agenda is about the dangerous consolidating of power - not protecting lives. Health decisions belong in the hands of sovereign nations, NOT UNELECTED INTERNATIONAL OVERLORDS. A welcome victory for freedom and common sense.
Just going to leave decisions there up to less reputable countries.
Another smart move by Trump. Instead of wasting money on this useless group now the US can promote other programs that will benefit US citizens.
Besides, the US has several scientific and medical authorities that actually looks out for people's health.
The US paid the WHO $8 billion. Not that great.
Tokyo Guy
When the next global pandemic arrives, and odds are it will at some juncture, and it's down to Trump and (if they're stupid enough to confirm him) RFK Jr to deal with it, the numbers of dead from Covid might seem quaintly low in comparison. When you have a government which openly laughs at, and politicises, science, then you deserve everything that happens as a result.
Course it will get blamed on literally anyone but the people who are responsible for it, but then again we've demonstrated time and time again as a species that we're too stupid to learn from events.
By prioritizing underdeveloped countries interests above what developed countries (and international companies) want from public health? that is nonsensical.
There is no institution on the planet that has done more about public health (and specially public health in poor countries) than the WHO.
The WHO is the opposite of useless, and no, renouncing to any leverage it had on the international organization will hurt the US interests much more than whatever money it saves. Now every other country will have much more weight on every decision that is made, with the US becoming irrelevant in the discussions. For example if pharmaceutical companies become obligated to cap prices in the event of a pandemic the US can be ignored and companies free to price anything freely for the US, with the obvious loss, either in public health or resources. Of course this may be the actual justification for the new US government, after all removing caps for prices of treatments is precisely what it is doing already.
When the only argument you can find are debunked conspiracy theories you are making it clear you had no real argument against the WHO.
This will likely apply to the US, but for most countries in the world it will be clear who did what and what kind of measures are going to be necessary. Countries lead by irrational governments (and with deep antiscientific bias like the US) will be left behind, sad for the population outside of the 1 percenters there.
US getting more thirdworldish than ever..
What a farce..
Bret T
From the WHO website:
By Country. There are other organizations interspersed within this list, but by Country
US $1.2 billion
Germany $865 million
UK $396 million
Canada $204 million
Japan $167 million
France $161 million
I am so happy.
WHO, lost its purpose long time ago, when it became politicized.
Geeter Mckluskie
When the WHO censored Taiwan during the height of the pandemic, it lost its credibility as an objective, trustworthy entity.
Good Riddence!
Nonsensical, every single international organization must be political in order to achieve anything.
The WHO depended on the cooperation of China at the very beginning in order to have any information that could save lives, at that point China was the only source of information. As soon as this changed the new sources of information were treated accordingly, and that included Taiwan.
Same mistake as the original poster, pretending any international organization can do anything without politics is too obviously irrational, which makes it natural for this claim to be impossible to defend with any argument.
No, it's simply global health's favorite bureaucracy-for-hire. The WHO has track record of a litany of scandals, cozying up to Big Pharma and authoritarian regimes.
"Prioritizing underdeveloped countries"? You mean like pushing questionable vaccines and lockdown policies that devastated livelihoods and contributed to spiraling mental health? Spare us the fairy tale. Their idea of "help" is lining corporate pockets while forcing top-down globalist agendas on sovereign nations.
Cozying up by trying to limit their profits and deliver necessary drugs and vaccines at a reduced costs for developing countries? That makes no sense, and what authoritatian regimes are you talking about? It for example have repeatedly criticized China for how it deal with the pandemic and the lack of transparency and access for international investigators.
No questionable vaccines, no devastating lockdowns, and definetely not what the WHO does, which is provide guidance based on the best available science for countries to decide what to do.
That you personally (and mistakenly) believe science to be wrong do absolutely nothing to actually prove the science is wrong, and obviously it does not make the measures forced in any way by the WHO, that is a completely mistaken concept that is not congruent with reality.
On the opposite, it is about prioritizing public health even when it runs against profits for any company, which unfortunately goes against the interest of the USA government that is trying to boost profits for pharmaceutical companies as much and as soon as possible, so the WHO becomes the enemy.
I disagree
I don’t need to argue anything, Trump pulled out and that’s it, like I said, I’m happy
Yet you could not come up with any argument for the disagreement, which is as valuable as disagreeing with the planet Earth not being flat. The fact that you could not argue the point would clearly indicate your disagreement is not based on logic or reason, but on predjudice and personal bias, and as such it can be ignored.
As long as you recognize that the claim is false, mistaken then of course you don't need to argue anything. Being happy about something wrong clearly indicates more about you than the value of the decision.
On the opposite?
A wholly unsurprising response. If the WHO truly prioritized health over profits, WHY did it suppress early warnings about COVID, let politics dictate pandemic responses, and blindly parrot vaccine mandates while dismissing cheap, effective treatments?
The bottom line is, it's a globalist bureaucracy riddled with conflicts of interest. It's a good thing that this corrupt organization that does nothing but suck public funds is on the decline.
I don’t need to, I’m just happy we are out.
To you perhaps, not to me.
You can’t ignore, but you can’t ignore we’re not apart of the WHO
Ok, I can live with that happily.
Bret T
Per capita, Germany, the UK, and Canada pay more the the US.
More budget for cdc
Obviously, people that like to misrepresent the reality and claim things that are false should expect others to correct the false claims easily.
The answer is easy, it did not do such a thing, those are lies promoted by antiscientific propaganda groups.
Countries are the ones that dictate pandemic responses, not the WHO, which of course simply determined that vaccines are safe and effective based on the best available evidence, something that has been repeatedly proved during the pandemic.
And the WHO (nor any other scientific institution) have dismissed cheap treatments that are effective (for example dexamethasone has been widely recognized as effective, even if dirt cheap). The drugs that were dismissed where those proved beyond any doubt to be worthless against covid, something that again is still true to this day. That is what actual health professionals should do, specially when the drugs only increased risks for the patients.
Again, since you recognize the claim is wrong there is no need to argue, the need to argue comes when you think you can defend a claim logically, but when that becomes impossible it is simply better to recognize it.
To anybody that understand what a discussion is.
Can ignore, and as you yourself recognize nobody is "apart" from the WHO, because the guidance and recommendations it gives still affect public health even of countries that are no longer able to use it as a tool to influence other countries, the US is recognizing it no longer is able to use its "soft power" but it is not exempt from what the rest of the international community does.
He's just angry they didn't endorse his chosen medical "cures" - bleach and horse de-wormer...
President Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the organization’s failures and inefficiencies, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Japan should strongly consider taking similar action to prioritize its own health sovereignty and better allocate its resources.
The WHO’s handling of the pandemic, from delayed responses to questionable vaccine mandates, caused unnecessary economic and personal suffering. Vaccine injuries, coupled with heavy-handed lockdown policies, revealed the organization’s inability to act transparently and effectively. Billions of taxpayer yen were funneled into an institution that has shown more allegiance to political interests than to global health.
Japan must invest those resources into strengthening its domestic health infrastructure, promoting transparency, and supporting evidence-based medical strategies. It should also work closely with trusted allies to build an independent health coalition focused on addressing pandemics effectively without the WHO’s bureaucracy and political entanglements.
The cost of staying with the WHO isn’t just financial—it’s the trust and well-being of Japan’s citizens. It’s time for bold leadership and decisive action to ensure that Japan is prepared for future health crises on its own terms. I can't believe Japan is still advocating the useless and potentially dangerous jabs on TV and elsewhere!! Madness!!! (It's almost as if there is a media blackout on what's going on in the rest of the world with evidence now piling up on the how jabs have done more harm than good in some studies especially for those that are healthy and not vulnerable which make up the majority of the people.)
Daniel Neagari
Well... you have to admit that Trump is keeping his promise in trying to Make America Great Again.... by doing everything to bring the US to somewhere between 1914 to 1925, in regards of health and economy and even global security?
What failures are you talking about? the recommendations and information provide were extremely effective, for countries where they were not subjected to political bias like in Japan the situation was controlled very effectively.
What are you talking about? the WHO is not the one that decide the response nor make any mandates, this betrays a complete ignorance of what the agency actually do and what is decided by the different governments. If the response in the US failed that was because of it was politized, demonstrated in the significantly higher lives lost between republicans, the WHO direction was the same, but the measures were rejected by a segment of the population that then died more often.
A losing proposition, this would be like saying that a resident of a building should not cooperate to install fire sprinklers and alarms in the whole building and instead focus exclusively on his apartment, doing that would mean reacting late and incompletely against emerging diseases instead of preventing them where they appear, this means spending more money and losing more lives. That is why the actual experts on public health in the world explicitly call for international cooperation and not to pretend reacting would solve anything.
All those things would be lost when a country stops cooperating internationally, the country loses their voice, outbreaks and pandemic become more likely to cost lives everywhere (including in specific countries) and the citizens no longer feel their country is important enough to participate in the world, much less do "good".
You may think that countries offer money and resources as a purely philanthropical action, nothing would be more mistaken. All countries "help" precisely to change international perceptions and to accumulate international political points, China building houses in African countries is a terribly obvious example of this. The WHO simply provides a very efficient way for these resources to be used instead of empty gestures.
No blackout, no such studies, this simply is not happening, if you think the scientists of the world depend on media to see the effect of things like vaccines you again betray a deep lack of understanding.
Can you bring any example of a respected institution of medical science that support this claim you make? obviously not, because the value of vaccines as a huge medical intervention is so clear that it has become the consensus to consider them a huge success that saved millions of lives.
robert maes
Brilliant!! That corrupt general secretary will always be remembered for hauling suitcases of cash out of China to lie about Wuhan.
Great Bird
Delayed response? Could have declared it a pandemic earlier, true. But it's not like governments acted faster. February 2020 was basically everybody doing nothing and waiting. Until it exploded.
Vaccine mandates? The WHO has no power to issue mandates. Vaccine injuries? Nothing to do with the WHO
Heavy handed lockdown policies? The WHO only issues recommendations.
So the solution is to leave the WHO and then create another organization with the same goals, but less members. Which means less access, less information, less coordination, worse results.
The problem is that some people don't actually understand what the WHO does. Then accuse it of stuff it didn't do and as solution propose... a new WHO! Smaller less effective. A health organization without China would have had 0 access to China and information. That new organization would have had to rely on.... the WHO! Spending money for a liaison office, etc. etc.
Hey Trump people in Japan.....Japan will stay in the WHO and you continue to live here.
They wouldn't go along with Trump lies so he's taking vengeance out on them. He's done the same to allies, enemies, friends, and political opponents across the spectrum.
I don't that's the thing
Then you are making my point for me.
Well, we left it, so, I'm stoked.
You mean the person that repeatedly criticized China for its lack of transparency about how it handled the beginnings of the pandemic? Because the ones claiming things like the natural origin of the pandemic are the scientists in general, not any single person.
To avoid that you would be required to argue in its defense, something you already recognized not being able to do. Therefore you implicitly recognize the claim is not correct.
The poing being that for anybody it is clear the meaning of a logical argument remaining unchallenged? Of course, this means that for everybody the argument refuted your claim.
A government choose to weaken its position internationally to support pharmaceutical companies, that stokes much more people.