Japan Today

China says Japanese fishing boat illegally entered territorial waters


China's coast guard said Thursday that a Japanese fishing vessel "illegally entered" China's territorial waters around Diaoyu Islands on Oct 15-16 and was warned to leave.

"We urge the Japanese side to immediately stop all illegal activities in these waters," a coast guard spokesperson said in a statement.

The coast guard said it would continue to carry out maritime rights protection and law enforcement activities in waters under its jurisdiction.

Japan rejects China's claims to the islands and over the past few months the two countries have had a number of confrontations in the area.

Back in June, Japan lodged a protest against Beijing after it said Chinese vessels carrying what appeared to be cannons had entered its territorial waters in the East China Sea surrounding the disputed islands, which Tokyo calls the Senkaku and Beijing calls the Diaoyu.

Weeks later, Japan lodged another protest after one of China's naval survey vessels entered Japanese waters. An uptick in Chinese military activity near Japan and around Taiwan in recent years has stoked concerns in Tokyo.

China has also had a number of altercations with the Philippines over disputed waters in the South China Sea. Beijing claims sovereignty over nearly the entire area.

A Hague arbitration tribunal ruled in 2016 that Beijing's claim to 90% of the South China Sea had no basis in international law.

© Thomson Reuters 2024.

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Cheeky of China, isn't it? Make sure that fishing vessel has some massive LRADs to return any warnings.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Oh dear, a fishing vessel crossed into China's waters. China actually has the galls to complain about, this?? Hilarious on one hand but also insulting on the other. After how China has been acting on the world stage. Crossing every single of its neighbors waters with much, much more than just fishing vessels and then demanding that this is now their "territory", no questions asked.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Pure entertainment….. according to their rules of reassigning borders to suit where they want to go, the global community should be able to go where ever they want in what they think is their territory.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Use it or lose it Japan! Put a base there or China will!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

China says Japanese fishing boat illegally entered territorial waters

"Pot - kettle" comes to mind...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

At the end of the day what I find it astonishing is what gets promoted these days in a pacifist county like Japan: the pledge of US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin for the 'unwavering commitment' to Israel's after the killing of over 43.000 people, mostly innocent women and children.

A conflict which could end the day Washington decides to pull the plug to the sending of weapons. $18 billion dollars only this year.


And that country should give a moral lesson to Japan as his main ally in Asia, as opposed to China and Russia? 

That is really puzzling to me.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

FosToday 12:07 pm JST

And that country should give a moral lesson to Japan as his main ally in Asia, as opposed to China and Russia?

I'm glad you agree the US should give moral lessons to Russia and China.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

US led media trying to keep away the attention from Gaza and Eastern Europe and open another front in China for minuscule disputes. Another lesson for greed, death and destruction not to follow. Go figure :)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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