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© Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump offers bountiful batch of campaign promises on Day 1
Trump couldn’t even keep his 2016 campaign promises after 4 being in office for four years
Much prefer someone proactively working to get things done
Peter Neil
and don’t forget the promises that prices are going to drop instantly and americans are going to be so rich from tariffs.
and drill baby drill, but oil companies will be cutting drilling this year because there’s plenty now and it can’t be used.
i’ve never seen a more screwed up, laughable situation in the u.s. in my 72 years.
Anyone who voted for Trump and expects him to achieve any of his promises will be disappointed. The lone promise he achieved last time was tax cuts.
Felon on the first day for sure
Trump is clinical insane
He will this time without the obstacles of the establishment blocking him, with the largest support and mandate behind him.
Why? Because Democrats are going to block him?
Last time the establishment was in power, not this time.
Yes, we know he is going to deport 20 million on day one. Too bad that will result in a constitutional crisis.
Obstacles or not, he made campaign promises he failed to uphold. I remember Trump saying specifically “We're going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay” not “We're going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay unless there are obstacles”.
How is Trump not the establishment at this point? He’s a former president , now president elect, and head of the Republican Party. That’s as establishment as it gets
Trump fear Democrats,he attacks only mainstream Republicans
He will deport as many people as they can, especially now that every law enforcement agency is behind him.
The establishment was designed to stifle conservative access, dissent to the Washington authority, not allowing conservatives to speak out, canceling, blocking them, deleting or moderating their speech, pushing gender and woke politics, forcing people to take vaccines, forced lockdowns, pushing disastrous progressive failed policies.
Not at all because the majority of Republicans that were against American first conservatives are out of power now, thankfully. New party, new congress, new direction.
Trump and his cronies re the establishment.
Like I said, he only got certain things partial done because he had the establishment blocking him at every turn, that includes the Pentagon, Feds, both parties, the Generals will not be there, Pelosi, Ryan, Cheney, Romney, none of these people will be there to hinder him, so he won’t fail this time having a pro MAGA cabinet and Congress.
I really don’t care who pays for it as long as it’s built, and that will commence once he’s in office again.
Trump's tax overhaul that he signed into law late 2017 was anything but “pro-American.”
Its biggest winners were wealthy foreign investors.
The Trump tax law has given larger tax cuts to foreign investors than it has to middle- and working-class Americans in all of the states that Trump carried in 2016—combined.
No, no one from the anti-Trump politicians are in Congress anymore, no one with significant power to stop his agenda
No, because no one will be silenced or canceled because of their political views.
Only the law enforcement agencies in red states. The rest will do as their governors say.
My stocks are hedged. I'm good.
The fact remains that Trump and his cronies are the establishment.
Apparently constitutional amendments are now subordinate to royal decree. Who knew?
Small businesses and most minorities thought differently that’s why they voted for him overwhelmingly.
Yes, you want and need rich people, without them, you’re not going to have a job or give you the benefit and opportunities that allow all of us to have a good life. Poor people can’t offer that.
Here we go again
If that were true, he wouldn’t have won the way he did.
Collins, Murkowski, Cassidy, and McConnell. And those are just the ones we know about.
And 47 Democrats who can block anything that isn't a financial measure.
No, not a shadow government that won’t allow dissent, sorry, those days are over. Speaking of over….
FBI closed DEI office in December, agency says
Another one bites the dust….
Wrong! Every law enforcement agency supported Trump on this, all of them. Show me which agency supported Kamala or Biden? One?
Yes and they won’t make a difference now because the Republicans can lose 3 and still comfortably pass their agenda, pheeew!
They can try and continue to further decimate their party, fine by me, fine by me. I hope and pray they do.
Can you be more specific on what you mean by “stifle conservative access and dissent to the Washington authority”? What would be an example
As for canceling and speech moderation: Elon Musk, the owner of the largest media platform in the U.S. is a devout Trump supporter and worlds richest man. That sounds like the definition of “establishment”.
What does this have to do with Trump not being establishment. You can be establishment without pushing those politics, no?
I don’t believe the federal government ever pushed vaccines. Again, there are plenty of establishment politicians who didn’t push them so I’m not sure what this has to do with establishment vs non-establishment.
That’s fine if you don’t care, but you do acknowledge that he didn’t follow through with that campaign promise, right?
You believe that Trump is not the establishment?
AND you believe that he will tolerate dissent?
Good luck.
The secretary of defense is head of the Pentagon, who reported directly to Trump
Trump as president was head of the “Feds”
Trump was head of the Republican party
To me it sounds like Trump was unable to be a leader who can actually lead.
Actually, it is true.
I already outlined that.
Not at all, liberals can have any opinion on any political issue which was not the case when libs controlled social media heavily
Well, no. This current administration promised to be transparent at every single angle they weren’t, that will change.
They did, many companies pushed their employees to take it, many hospitals wouldn’t even take you in if you didn’t take the shot, all that is gone and no one will ever forget that either.
They have no say now in the next incoming administration
Every General under the first Trump administration opposed him. If you don’t like what your boss says and does, step down or run for office.
Yes, and the establishment heavily opposed him back then
It does make it extremely harder when you are being opposed by the establishment, but that was yesterday, today it’s a different day.
Gee, how progressive do you want to get. Lol
Yes, he can block anyone he wants particularly if they are personally attacking him, but overall, you are not being silenced. If you think the J6 are criminals, I can say the opposite and push back without worrying about being silenced. You have your opinion and I have mine, that’s the difference
Elon recently implemented a warning system for use of the words ‘CIS’ and ‘Cisgender’ stating that these words constitute as slurs and could be breaking X’s terms of service. Do you think that’s okay if someone got banned for using the word CIS or Cisgender? Trump also asked Twitter to take down ‘derogatory’ tweet from Chrissy Teigen.
Do you think that’s okay if someone got banned for using the word CIS or Cisgender?
I don’t see it.
Companies aren’t the federal government and I’m going to need a source on your claim that “hospitals wouldn’t even take you in if you didn’t get the shot” because I think that’s not true
The president is commander in chief of the military, he could have replaced them any time he wanted. He has no excuse. He’s either a bad leader who can’t get their consent or he’s incompetent for not replacing them.
What establishment? Trump is head of the Feds he could fire anyone that was opposing him
Remember: Trump promises made - Trump promises broken.
Why don't so many understand: Donald takes care of himself and his clan only!
He is the least educated, least understanding president the US had and will have.
As are those who will be in his administration.
They don't know which countries belong to ASEAN.
Trump during his previous presidency making about 21 erroneous claims a day.
And so on.
Welcome to MAGA-hustle 2025...
Just like in 2017, the Moron will make a bunch of promises that he won't keep - and are just distractions from those he definitely WILL KEEP - to his rich Top 1% buds....
Tax cuts for the uber-rich? Check...
Increased cheap immigrant workers to replace US workers? Check...
All the rest? Well, just go to the border and look at that new wall that Mexico paid for...the one that stopped all the illegals from crossing after he left office...
The MAGA little guy will have his job replaced by an Indian or Chinese, no unemployment or healthcare which the Repubs will cut, and the rich bankers will foreclose on his house... He won't even be able to declare bankruptcy because the Repubs will gut that...for poor people...
Relaxing in the WH with Elon and Vivek, Trump will laugh at them - once again calling them the "Great unwashed" and "basement dwellers"....
that’s what I’m talking about, let’s go!
One? OK.
From September 23rd, 2024:
What promise did Biden not uphold?
Trump’s promise about the wall and Mexico paying for it was probably his most renowned promise and a huge boost in his popularity. I don’t think a president other than him has failed to deliver on such a major promise
Can you please explain how the former president, now president elect, and head of the Republican Party is not part of the establishment?
not to pardon his son.
What promise did Biden not uphold?
That wasn't a campaign promise.
Was the question about “campaign” promises?
Ok, he promised to be a President for ALL Americans. Was not, most divisive in history.
he promised to he a transitional president, wouldn’t run for re-election. Then he did.
Sounds like a dictatorship. Which is what true MAGA believers want.
Just look at them bending over for Trump. Begging for a führer.
He was president for all Americans.
He literally never said that. Find me a source of him saying that. You can’t which is why you’ll avoid engaging with this conversation at all.
He was.
He wasn't divisive at all.
Again, not a campaign promise.
I can’t?
“President Biden's insistence on staying in the 2024 race has seemingly defied his own pledge to serve as a transitional president to a younger generation of Democratic leaders.”
I’m sorry, do you have difficult reading? That isn’t a quote of Biden stating he’d be a one term president. I’ll give you another chance.
Literally from your own article:
”Biden never made an explicit public promise to serve just one term”
Maybe you should try reading these before posting them. I know reading is hard for trump supporters but you’re embarrassing yourself.
Scroll up, I was specific
So yes, they did.
incorrect. He literally made it during his campaign in 2019 while running for president. to deflect from fears if elected he would try to run again in 2024 Want a video?
i don’t accept the false premise that we only talking “campaign” promises anyway,
No, they didn’t. Those are private companies, not the federal government. Private companies are allowed to set their own policies. You’ve still yet to provide any proof that the federal government mandated vaccines
Yes, please post a video so I can continue dog walking you throughout this discussion
no it’s an increase in legal immigration.
immigration, good- isn’t it? Cause you are supposedly “racist” if you don’t fully support immigrants, your team rules.
the left supports illegal immigration. but not legale who are evaluated, vetted and issued visas for a limited stay then go back home?
im all for that type.
That will take a long time as Trump uses a Sharpie to write an over-sized and elaborate signature and then turns the document around for it to be photographed.
that’s far left media’s supportive interpretation in 2024 of what he clearly said in 2019.
To support his running again when he clearly said he would not.
next you will disingenuously claim he didn’t “run again” cause he dropped out? lol
This kind of word play cost your team the election.
Why did you post that article to support your argument if it’s a far left article full of lies?
If he said it why have you failed to post his actual quote despite posting multiple times since originally being asked?
Why do you keep saying this while simultaneously never post the quote? Just post the quote of him saying this. You can’t which is why you’re trying to desperately to back yourself out of the corner you’re in now.
The deflections, prevarications, and outright denial of Trump so-called campaign promises are coming from everywhere in MAGA-world...the most classic today...
OK, pretty easy to understand - "within 24 hours" it...
Uh...don't understand language? I guess in MAGA-world "within 24 hours" can also mean "maybe within 4 years"...
Of course, given previous "promises" like "I'll build the wall and Mexico will pay for it" could also mean "Welcome to the MAGA-hustle, suckers"....
Losing an election does not invalidate what is fact.
And dictators most often come to power with popular support. Your man Putin, for example.
Biden never publicly promised not to run for a second term. The origin was this:
“Biden’s top advisers and prominent Democrats outside the Biden campaign have recently revived a long-running debate whether Biden should publicly pledge to serve only one term, with Biden himself signaling to aides that he would serve only a single term. . . . . . While the option of making a public pledge remains available, Biden has for now settled on an alternative strategy: quietly indicating that he will almost certainly not run for a second term while declining to make a promise that he and his advisers fear could turn him into a lame duck and sap him of his political capital.”
--Politico, December 2019
Whether or not you think this is a bit of deception politics, it's certainly not a broken campaign pledge. Like ending birthright citizenship on Day 1 (not possible). Or ending the war in Ukraine within 24 hours and before inauguration (also not possible).
What they do in private is not what they will be doing on the job.
The educated will note I listed four names and there are very likely others. These are just the ones on the record voting for impeaching Trump (minus McConnell).
It’s been 4 hours and you STILL haven’t proved a quote or source on this.