Japan Today

1st shipment of this year's Beaujolais Nouveau arrives in Japan


This year's first shipment of Beaujolais Nouveau wine arrived from France at Tokyo's Haneda airport and Kansai airport in Osaka on Wednesday.

A spokesman for importer Suntory's wine division said 2,640 bottles arrived on an ANA flight at around 6:30 a.m.

Further shipments will arrive at Haneda, Narita, Kansai, Chubu, Fukuoka and Shin-Chitose airports over the next two weeks.

Japan will uncork the first Beaujolais Nouveau of the season at midnight on Nov 21. The wine will sell for around 3,256 yen per 750-milliliter bottle, the same as last year.

The third Thursday in November traditionally marks the official debut of the new season's Beaujolais around the world, and the Japanese are the first to get a taste of the light red wine because of their time zone, holding midnight parties.

Suntory plans to import about 457,000 bottles, or about 342,000 liters, a 17% increase from last year.

The record for Japan was 12.5 million bottles sold in 2004.

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holding midnight parties.

Still? Maybe the narikin (nouveau riche) of the bubble era when being first in the world to drink the stuff massaged their egos, but is it still a thing in Japan? Well, I saw a left-hand drive Merc the other day so such trite ostentation is still in, I guess, for those who have the money and motive.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

ah yes, for the discerning swill drinker.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

When I was in France I drank wine. Some was pretty good, some was awful bad. Beaujolais Nouveau was the best. Sure wish I were in Japan. Or France. I'm no wine expert, mind, but I know what I like.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Such a strange but typical Japanese gimmick! Never really understood it as I don't like that type of wine but every year like clockwork all the stores stock this season's offering and the punters lap it up

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I like Beaujolais - the matured version, but Nouveau? No way! This is watery bilge completely devoid of any character.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The Nouveau Beaujolais is nothing of a good wine, except the best bottles flow to Japan and China. The quality sold in France is poor but there is no need of a good wine to end drunk, the main purpose of the event

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Beaujolais Nouveau is all about marketing since 70 years ago. They started to sell this cheap wine by creating events in France, then internationally to ship to America and Asian. The wine is poor, it's story is unique.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Every year, here we go again with the "Nouveau Beaujolais" shipment. @didou - You are right in terms of quality. Maybe it's just my tongue, but I've also felt very good Beaujolais, or if you want to add "Nouveau" to it, is very good. I'm more of a cab sav and bordeaux fan, but personally, I think this "Nouveau B" wine is just getting too commercialized.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

No Thank You,

Local Sake and wines are much better and available at any time.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It's all about image here , just remember that.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I had it a few times, kind of tasted like watered down red wine.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Is it a year already since the same ridiculous charade was reported last time?

This is an 'Emperor's New Clothes' scenario. The only people impressed by this charade are similarly egotistical people. The majority of us feel it is a disgusting, immodest show of wealth and 'taste'.

There are a lot more interesting and impressive ways to spend your money. The sooner the media stop reporting this as news, the sooner we can move on from this relic.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I can not wait to taste the 2024 vintage. It's seams to be a good vintage but low production.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Beaujolais Nouveau is all about marketing since 70 years ago. They started to sell this cheap wine by creating events in France, then internationally to ship to America and Asian.

Of course, you are absolutely right, Forst, and a little research would show that. So, it is a little strange how some don't want to believe you.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Such a strange but typical Japanese gimmick! 

Sorry. It's not just Japan.

This "Beaujolais Day" is accompanied by publicity events and heavy advertising. The traditional slogan, even in English-speaking countries, was "Le Beaujolais nouveau est arrivé!"

In the United States, it is promoted as a drink for Thanksgiving

In the United Kingdom, Beaujolais Day is particularly popular in Swansea, Wales, where people book tables in restaurants and bars for the day up to a year in advance.


On a personal note, it's not a bad wine and tends to go with any foods I might get a bottle if the label catches my eye

The wine will sell for around 3,256 yen per 750-milliliter bottle, the same as last year.

Seems it's the only thing not going up in price. At over 3千円 it is quite pricey


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Local Sake and wines are much better and available at any time.

I must say that Japanese wine so far has not grown me. It also tends to be much more expensive that the import counterparts

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Can someone explains what is the root cause of Japanese obsession with all French things?

Just looking at the Michelin guide, at least one third of the restaurants listed in Tokyo are labeled as French. For comparison, in most cities around the world including major western cities on North America, French cuisine labeled restaurants are less than 10% of all listed restaurants.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Suntory plans to import about 457,000 bottles

And down here, they ship it in PLASTIC bottles, just like the cheap wine, whiskey, and awamori, all intended to be swilled!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japan has historically been the number one importer of Beaujolais Nouveau wines but since 2022 sales have fallen.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Like so many other things here in Japan that get hyper-promoted as being the "hip" thing to buy, eat, drink, drive, or have.

Just because it gets so much air time, people are brainwashed into thinking it's "good" or even great, when in fact it's just a bunch of average!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Japan still makes up about 10% of French exports of the wine worldwide

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Suntory plans to import about 457,000 bottles, or about 342,000 liters, a 17% increase from last year.

The record for Japan was 12.5 million bottles sold in 2004.

Is Suntory bringing all/most of it in, so sales are 95% down from the peak? Juxtaposing these two statements with numbers makes it sound like it.

Whatever it is, its nothing as big as the past. There are fewer young folks in Japan and many of em don't drink, let alone 3000 yen plus a bottle wine. I'm surprised Suntory's sales are going back up.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Japan used to import 50% of Beaujolais Nouveau exports. Many young people do not drink alcohol.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Alcohol is a cancer causing poison Google Drinking Alcohol Cancer

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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