Japan Today
Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump dances at a campaign event in Detroit on Friday. Image: AP/Carlos Osorio

Trump likens Capitol rioters to WWII Japanese American internees


Former U.S. President Donald Trump said Friday that his supporters charged and imprisoned in connection with the Jan 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol have been treated like Japanese Americans who were incarcerated during World War II.

Trump's comparison of the rioters with the around 120,000 innocent people of Japanese descent who were held in internment camps across the United States during the war came with less than a month to go until the presidential election.

"Why are they still being held? Nobody's ever been treated like this," Trump said, adding, "Nobody's ever -- maybe the Japanese during the Second World War, frankly."

The Republican presidential nominee made the remarks in a live interview with pro-Trump radio host Dan Bongino.

The incarceration of Japanese Americans -- about two-thirds of whom were born in the United States -- was carried out under an executive order issued on Feb 19, 1942, by then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.

The federal government detained them on suspicion that they could spy for Japan or sabotage the war effort.

The U.S. Congress passed a bill in 1988 that provided $20,000 to each surviving internee and apologized for the executive order that forced them into the wartime camps.


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Anyone else sick of this loser?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

"frankly" This guy is nuts. This guy is likely the next USA president.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Bizarre comparison. Trump has lost it.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Sick, deranged, demented...this guy's brain is mush...

Get him into a hospital or institution...at least until his jail sentence comes down...

6 ( +7 / -1 )

"Why are they still being held? Nobody's ever been treated like this," Trump said, adding, "Nobody's ever -- maybe the Japanese during the Second World War, frankly."

Mush brains has totally lost it now.

Spewing Random words, time to send him into care. I am sure Obamacare can work for him!!!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

More of these violent animals should have been dealt with in the same way Ashli Babbitt was dealt with. Period.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Anyone who votes for this guy has mush in their brain too!!

Inject ourselves with anti-septic to fight corona.

Immigrants are taking away Black jobs.

Pets are being eaten by Haitian immigrants.
3 ( +4 / -1 )

I’m kind of surprised Trump even knew that Japanese-American citizens had been interned in America during World War II.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Who cares about Trump. He’s done for. In addition, he’s up at least 34 charges. He’ll lose.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It's going to be fun watching your reaction in the increasingly likely event that he wins. He'll just keep coming out with wacky remarks to drive his detractors stark raving mad.

Stark raving made is a very accurate description of what we've been seeing from this miscreant for the past month. It's clear he is spiraling down into the depths of dementia...his brain is fried...and his campaign knows it since its trying to hide him away...

It's a good time to invest in HMOs that provide mental health services. The clinics will be full of D supporters if he wins.

The streets will be filled with violent MAGA-domestic-terrorists if he loses - which given his increasing desperation is much more likely...

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Well, since Trump wants to create "Trump internment camps" like those of that time, isn't he just saying he himself would like to round them all up? or is it another "I single-handedly reversed Roe V. Wade and will protect women's rights more than anyone"?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

"Why are they still being held? Nobody's ever been treated like this," Trump said, adding, "Nobody's ever -- maybe the Japanese during the Second World War, frankly."


3 ( +4 / -1 )

"Why are they still being held? Nobody's ever been treated like this," Trump said, adding, "Nobody's ever -- maybe the Japanese during the Second World War, frankly

It's par for the course and quite shameful to think a former (but hopefully not future) U.S. president could not see or want to see the absurdity and irony of this comment. One group were completely innocent patriots, targeted because of the prejudice and bias of ignorant people just like the ones who stormed Capitol Hill. The stormers are sedition-minded traitors. Let them rot in prison. Many of them should have swung.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Thanks to the censorship, this thread sounds like an echo chamber in the nuthouse.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

"Why are they still being held? Nobody's ever been treated like this,"

Coz they broke the law as per your instructions you dumb fool.

It is bewildering how this man could garner even a single vote never mind be on course to be the next president.

I hate to say it, but Americans are making their country the laughing stock of the world (again) by even considering this incompetent / incontinent thick old crook to lead them.

Makes for interesting news though I suppose.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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