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What are some things you once cared about deeply, but no longer matter to you anymore?


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I work at a very traditional Japanese company.

I used to care about trying hard, going out of my way, and pleasing my boss.

Neither of these things matter to me any more, after ten years a slave.

-6 ( +12 / -18 )

Owning a Ferrari. It's not that I don't still want to own one, it's just that I realized a long time ago that it wasn't going to happen.

And I'm talking about a new SF90 or the like, not a 40-year-old car that's been hidden in someone's barn.

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6 ( +9 / -3 )

Pleasing people in general, be it at work or in general public. I just try to avoid intentionally getting under their skin. One example is as @David Brent said, I just do what is needed at work and don't go the extra mile since I'm not compensated for it, and a thank you isn't enough. As for the general public, I'm just tired of keeping up with appearances and I'll still wear my decade-old clothes that still look nice instead of subscribing to fast fashion. Caring less about pleasing people gives me a lot of peace and I value that. I know that this view will never sit well with traditional Japanese norms, but we're foreigners.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Intelligence, sincerity and honesty in discussion.

The internet basically put paid to that idea.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Caring about people,s comments on this forum.

I will make a funny observation...I have heart disease and had 3 ops so far in Japan

Since then, my compassion level has dropped 50% or more.

I used to stop and give a lift to lost gaijins or old people in the heat of summer etc...not anymore.

Dunno what happened...my wife used to call me "the helper "...lol

1 ( +4 / -3 )

i’m old. i feel like i have an internal septic tank that can’t be emptied and it’s full.

i have no space left to take in any more crap. you’ll have to give your crap to someone else.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The top twenty songs on Billboard or any other music site.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Comics and anime. Then I hit 13 years old and then it stopped (pretty much with most of my friends too).

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The poor, weak and disadvantaged. I used to care but now ... meh. Not all but many just seem to make their own lives worse by their actions.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

People .

And sports cars. Other than Hawk, I owned them all, Ferrari, Maserati, Aston Martin. I never cared for Lamborghini or Porsche.

And Hawk, the pre 90 Ferrari’s are much better than the current models.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

And sports cars. Other than Hawk, I owned them all, Ferrari, Maserati, Aston Martin. I never cared for Lamborghini or Porsche.

Thanks, Mr Maes. That makes me feel a lot better:)

And Hawk, the pre 90 Ferrari’s are much better than the current models.

I'm sure you're right. However, I more meant that I could probably stretch to an old, poorly looked after, not so classic Ferrari. Not a brand new one.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The people of this country is destroying itself, could not care anymore less, I'm just in it for the money now.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

My home country, aside from family and friends there.

People keep voting for the same criminal and/or incompetent governments but can't figure out why it's going down the drain.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The question is "care deeply" and I suspect the few things I used to care about with actual depth about are still important to me. I used to buy nice cameras and now just use my phone, but I would not say I've ever cared "deeply" about photography. I was just more interested in it in the past, when I travelled more and then when my kids were young. My deep feelings, toward my family, friends, sense of justice/worldview etc. are pretty much unchanged.

I have declining interest in about lots of things, but I don't know what part of it is me getting older and what part is such things being in decline. Big slices of popular culture, movies, tv, and pop music for starters, strike me as clearly being in decline. My "deep" feeling about pop music is that it was better in the 1970s and 1980s than it is today. This example might be a gimme, but my feelings about other things may reflect over nostalgia and grouchiness (i.e., bad forms of ageing) rather than any objective reality.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

human kind.... life in general...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Sports. After following the same teams for twenty years, during which they failed to win the league even once, I realized that it was a waste of time.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


The top twenty songs on Billboard or any other music site.

I hear you! The 'music' nowadays does nothing for me. There was a day when music had memorable melodies, meaningful lyrics and talented singers and songwriters.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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