Japan Today

Baby boy falls to death from 6th floor in Kyoto


A 1-year-old boy fell to his death from the 6th floor of his family apartment in Kyoto’s Tsurumai city in an apparent accident, police said Tuesday.

According to police, at around 11 a.m. on Tuesday, they received a report call from a passerby, notifying them that “a baby was dead.” The body of Yuma Matsuoka was found at the parking lot at the base of a condominium, where he lived together with his parents. He was taken to a hospital, but was pronounced dead soon after.

Shortly before the incident, Yuma was asleep in the bedroom together with his 20-year-old mother. She told police that when she woke up her son was missing.

The window, from which Yuma presumably fell, is located at approximately 20 cm above the the bed where the two were sleeping. The window was not locked and parts of its net was ripped, Sankei Shimbun reported.

Police believe the boy may have opened the window, somehow ripped the net and climbed out, falling to his death.

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i don't know what to say. this is so sad

3 ( +4 / -1 )

i saw this news this morning. i gotta wonder about the "accident" part. i have a 1-year-old son too, and i can't imagine him having the strength to rip open the screen from that angle and also be able to lift himself up over the edge. but a tragic case,nonetheless.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Yeah, fell or was thrown? Speculation is free! It's a sad article either way though.

1 ( +5 / -3 )

Even if the boy did indeed climb up and out himself, why on earth would you put the bed under a window with so little height difference? or at least, why wouldn't you MOVE the bed after the baby was born? Did they also have water bottles open and sitting next to power bars with forks dangling out of them?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

This may have been an accident. It may have been poor parenting. It may have been a murder.

In any case, the mother is responsible.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Very sad story but anyone that has kids sort of have to think about this a bit.Ripping the net then opening a window and climbing out seems a bit far fetched for a 1 year old.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

So sad :(

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I thought the boy's weight on the mesh caused the tear. It looked pretty flimsy. It amazes me how people think it's sinister and not just an accident.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This morning on the news they said that the net was ripped before, they showed images if the place. Also the kid climbed up a few items that formed a staircase. The window was still open to a 30cm gap.

The Net was ripped from the top right corner and the bottom still attached it was one of those protruding windows seen often here.

RIP, little one.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Being danger/safety aware is important, but somethings just happen (S^%T HAPPENS) remember the story a few weeks ago a teen girl ridding in a car died when the moving car was hit by a falling boulder. RIP little one.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

When we lived in the US, a little boy was leaning on a window screen when it popped out and down he went, riding the screen. He landed in some bushes, and wasn't hurt, luckily enough. Accidents happen.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Very sad story.

The window was a bay window with a ledge the child could climb on. The photo of the window showed the whole net of the bug screen peeled back, and it looks like it's given way under the weight of the child leaning on it. It didn't pop out, which would also be an easily conceivable situation.

It's hard to tell anything from such a short story, but "window (with a ledge) 20cm above the bed" has my alarm bells ringing. The photo of the window also showed a net curtain inside, which Yuma kun could have held onto for any climbing he had to do. Kids are naturally curious, so I'd be surprised if he hadn't taken an interest in the window before.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This morning on the news they said that the net was ripped before, they showed images if the place. Also the kid climbed up a few items that formed a staircase. The window was still open to a 30cm gap.

Also there were toys in front of the window so the boy may have climbed up and reached before slipping and falling out. How deep of a sleeper can you be though to not hear anything happen?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Why do so many babies fall out high rise buildings in Japan?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Too many infants falling unattended these days...it brings tears to my eyes...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Ripped net, toys (set?) on window sill, mother "asleep" - it could have been set up to be an "accident."

Or it could just be a tragic result of several poor decisions.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I thought the boy's weight on the mesh caused the tear. It looked pretty flimsy. It amazes me how people think it's sinister and not just an accident.

People want it to be sinister because it fits with their view of Japanese mothers.

Notice how many posters above are already blaming the mother... cold hearted bunch of... whatever...

5 ( +6 / -1 )

It amazes me how people think it's sinister and not just an accident.

Wow! You obviously come from a developed country. However, in the Japan pose judicial system you are guilty until proven innocent.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

A one-year-old "somehow ripped the net"?? Hm... more likely due to post-partem depression of the mother perhaps?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The landing stain shown on the news was at a distance from the building so even if the baby had managed to make its way through a screen there is very little explanation as to how it could have projected itself away from the building. Either way not much prudence shown by the mother, but then again neither does getting knocked up at such a tender age.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I don't live in Japanese house, but Ive been in some awkwardly designed ones. Dangerous drops, narrow corners and slender windows or extremely low & wide windows.

Accidents like these will unfortunately cont. . . Just like how mums/dads bck the family SUV out of the drive way, accidentally killing their toddlers.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Bodies don't fall straight down from a building, they tend to land a bit further away.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I don't think that a 1-year-old boy is capable of ripping up the windows net. I cannot stop catching the whiff of something like crime.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Police believe the boy may have opened the window, somehow ripped the net and climbed out, falling to his death.

The mom must be a pretty heavy sleeper.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I've seen many videos of babies, even less than 1 year having an innate sense of height and are instinctively aware of the dangers of falling. To climb is normal, but to go over what is beyond, windows, fences or visual uncertainties - is not a normal behavior- even for a baby. The steps leading to the tragedy is too complicated for an accident yet quite convenient for an alibi.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

People want it to be sinister because it fits with their view of Japanese mothers.

I don't want it to be sinister. I just want parents of young children to realize that its dangerous to place a bed within reach of a window with a ledge and no safety bars.

Other sources say that the window was "40cm" above the bed, but even that is only waist high for a typical one year old. One big teddy on the bed and it's down to knee height. As a bay window, there was a ledge to climb onto.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

our son decided to climb over his crib around 70 cm when he was 1 year old,, gravity did the rest...he fell and landed on his head. We brought him to the emergency room and checked for broken bones but luckily, he wasn't hurt so bad. We felt terrible. The crib is up to his choulders and we coulld not foresee him flipping over.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Looks like the JapanToday jury has convicted the mother: bed too close to the window, window too easy to climb out of, bad mother for sleeping, bad mother for getting herself pregnant so young. There you have it folks... accidents don't happen in Japan, it's always mothers killing babies and toddlers... so sayeth the JT jury.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Looks like the JapanToday jury has convicted the mother: bed too close to the window, window too easy to climb out of, bad mother for sleeping, bad mother for getting herself pregnant so young. There you have it folks... accidents don't happen in Japan, it's always mothers killing babies and toddlers... so sayeth the JT jury.

so many experts here

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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