Japan Today

Derek Grebe comments

Posted in: Gov't to expedite release of rice reserves amid surging prices See in context

Dango bongToday  10:09 am JST

you could import....

They do. A huge quantity of Japonica strain rice is bought from Australia, mixed in silos at the port of entry, then sold as 100% Japanese rice, at Japanese prices.

Japanese people eat imported rice every day. They just don't know it.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Posted in: Man arrested for voyeurism, says it was a way to relieve stress and frustration at work See in context

I will never, as long as I live, understand this fetish.

On the same phone you used to commit the crime for which you got busted, you have more hours of wankfodder than you could use, Scot-free in a thousand lifetimes.

what is wrong with you? Have a good admiration spectacle at a 3-d woman, put her in the memory bank and let her go on with her day.

Don’t let all the world know you’re a deviant.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Posted in: In 10-hour news conference, Fuji TV execs step down over TV host sexual misconduct scandal See in context

A pound to a penny says these ceremonial resignations are followed up by placing Minato and Kano in other roles at Fuji at the same salary.

It’s all a big kabuki. Ceremony over action.

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

Posted in: Japanese firms working to attract, retain skilled foreign workers See in context

I do hope these firms operate with a stronger ethical approach than my former company which hired western staff on one-year contracts for up to twenty years, then having led us to believe that we were valued members of the team, fired us all in March 2018, one day before Abe’s revised labor law would have granted us the same permanent contracts which Japanese staff enjoyed from Day One of setting foot in the building.

Eighteen years I gave them. And they threw us all out on the scrapheap rather than treat us equally.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Authorities urge elderly people to be careful when eating mochi See in context

@Japan GlimpsedDec. 31, 2024  09:46 pm JST

I've never seen the point of mochi. It tastes of nothing, has no nutritional value, ruins a decent soup

You've never had proper mochi. Clearly.

The Japanese lady I've been married to for the last 25 years would beg to differ.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Authorities urge elderly people to be careful when eating mochi See in context

I've never seen the point of mochi. It tastes of nothing, has no nutritional value, ruins a decent soup and kills grannies every year.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan to greet New Year with ‘Kohaku,’ shrine visits, shopping and heavy snow See in context

As Kohaku Uta Gassen settles over my living room like a four-day-brewed cabbage fart, I retire to the other room with a bottle of something warming and a couple of good films.

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the ease with which the Japanese TV-viewing public can be rendered docile.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Posted in: Billionaires' wealth more than doubles in 10 years: UBS See in context

So this is going to start trickling down to the rest of us pretty quickly, right?

the way they promised us it would 45 years ago?

Because if it doesn’t - why, it would almost be like 99% of us have been harvested.

if so, could anyone give me a good justification not to tax the pips out of these robber barons?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan to hold first memorial for 'all workers' at Sado gold mines but blurs WWII atrocity See in context

Here's an idea:

How about UNESCO refuses to consider any of Japan's constant needy requests to be rewarded for Unique Cultural Heritage until Japan owns up to the atrocities it committed?

You want your bauble? Admit what you did.

-10 ( +11 / -21 )

Posted in: Ishiba's diplomatic knack in doubt amid blunders, no Trump meeting See in context

30 years of blundering failure, economic ruin and acres of publicly-known corruption, and this bloated clown is the best the LDP can do to take the reins of a once-great nation?

When, in the name of all that’s gracious, will the people of Japan decide enough is enough and vote these venal buffoons out?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: Why do you think Christmas decorations and illumination displays are put up so early in Japan? See in context

Since they all come down on Christmas Day to make way for the traditional New Year decorations, might as well let the Christmas sparkles bring a bit of delight into the eyes of the Children.

I never understood why the Japanese make such a fuss about an event they don’t celebrate (beyond eating KFC), but New Year decorations get only a week or so.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: Ex-Olympus CEO illegal drugs case referred to prosecutors See in context

0.1 gram?

please. That’s an extremely paltry amount for one so wealthy.

I’d move the decimal point two places to the right if there’s any validity to this case.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's ruling bloc loses lower house majority See in context

Kurisupisu: on Sundays?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Cyclists in Japan risk jail for using mobile phone, riding while drunk See in context

Now do three drivers going through red lights before the stop signal counts.

13 ( +28 / -15 )

Posted in: Japan's ruling bloc loses lower house majority See in context

Just look at the raw animal charisma oozing from every pore of that dynamic bunch.

Oh my…

And it looks like the only way to cling to power is to reinstate the very few apparatchiks who were even too flagrantly corrupt for the LDP. So the message is “help yourself to every yen you can bilk out of people and even if we put you on the naughty step for a while, we’ll take good care of you after a short period of penance”.

-11 ( +12 / -23 )

Posted in: Celebrations subdued in Tokyo's Shibuya district on weekend before Halloween See in context

 I want them to make sure they follow the rules."

The new rules brought in by joyless functionaries who view the idea of young people being young people and enjoying themselves.

God forbid young people forget their duty to be as miserable as their elders.

-12 ( +18 / -30 )

Posted in: 1st shipment of this year's Beaujolais Nouveau arrives in Japan See in context

This swill is undrinkable for anyone with a discerning palate.

pure Emperors New Clothes.

The only wine less palatable is that Bon Marche which isn’t even fit to put into a stew.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Voters in Noto hit by quake, rain call for support to rebuild See in context

“It's not as if anything will change with the election”

Maybe if you didn’t reelect the do-nothing LDP cabal who are demonstrably ignoring your plight, something might.

-5 ( +12 / -17 )

Posted in: Ruling LDP most popular in upcoming general election: poll See in context

What a tremendous surprise.

The party which has wallowed in mediocrity and corruption for the last 70 years, leading Japan ever downwards with its repetition of failed policies, will be re-elected by a politically-apathetic population who, five years from now, after probably three more unelected PMs, will look at their dwindling options for the future, shrug and say "Shoganai" and vote LDP again.

Democracy just never happened here.

-12 ( +18 / -30 )

Posted in: NHK exec who resigned over Chinese staffer's remarks rehired See in context

Well my my my.

I am shocked - SHOCKED, I say - that this resignation was a ceremonial piece of kabuki with no intention of a friend of the LDP having to face any consequences.

And what are the odds that he was rehired on a significantly higher salary than before to reward him for his performance?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump says 'I hate Taylor Swift!' in Truth Social post See in context

Does this whiny little crybaby ever stop bleating about himself?

I will never understand how anyone could think he has the temperament to be POTUS.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Posted in: Chief producer of NHK subsidiary arrested for assaulting train station employee in Tokyo See in context

Police said Hosoi was drunk at the time and had fallen asleep on the floor near the ticket gate.

And yet it's troublesome when non-Japanese have a conversation on the train after a hard day's work or when enjoying a once-in-a-lifetime holiday to these hallowed shores.

Don't forget - We Japanese have good manners, which you must understand if you want to visit from Gaijinland.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Posted in: Is weight loss as simple as calories in, calories out? See in context

Short answer: yes.

Don’t snack, and don’t eat after 8pm.

I lost 26 kg that way over the last 2 years.

It’s simple self control,

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: How will Japan's ruling party pick the next prime minister? See in context

How will the decision be made?

In a smoky back room of a very expensive restaurant (for which we, the taxpayers, will foot the bill), and all policies will be agreed.

All policies will be “just keep doing what we have been failing at for thirty years “.

Election to be called in December, docile electorate complies.

Rinse and repeat.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan ruling party leadership race begins with record 9 candidates See in context

Number of candidates: 9

Number of new ideas to get Japan out of its 30-year death spiral: 0

Chance of winner of back room deal being elected in a landslide by docile electorate: 100%

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

Posted in: Start of Taiji hunting season for dolphins, small whales postponed due to storm See in context


What makes you think I am American?

And how can something which started in 1969 be “culture” in a country with such a long history as Japan?

Also, if this slaughter is “culture “ why are we not allowed to watch it? Why must it be hidden behind blue tarpaulin?

This massacre shames Japan.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Start of Taiji hunting season for dolphins, small whales postponed due to storm See in context

This is a disgrace on the reputation of Japan. If it's some great part of traditional culture, let's all watch it, like Kabuki or manga. Be proud of it.

But no.

They know the world is repulsed by it so they stick up blue tarpaulins and arrest anyone who tries to report on it.

It didn't even start until 1969.

This is not culture. It is bloody barbarism.

-4 ( +15 / -19 )

Posted in: Do Japanese cities utilize bike lanes effectively, if they even have them? What are some ways Japanese municipalities could get more people cycling safely? See in context

In Minami-Kashiwa, where I live, there are painted-off strips at the side of some streets, many of which lie flush with the marker between r\car territory and guttering. To use that as a bicycle lane is impossible, since one's pedals hit the raised curb.

In other areas of the town, we get a generous 20-30 cm of tarmac before the painted line demarcates us. Unfortunately, some genius at the city office has decided to place bollards within that space, rather than on the painted line itself, thus making it necessary for cyclists to use a 60-cm more narrow road.

The cycle lane is blocked with bollards. Why, a suspiscious mind could read something into that.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 10% of young people in Japan have experienced being groped: survey See in context

This is my #MeToo moment. Many years ago when I was younger and prettier than I am today, a dirty old sod decided that, given the crowded nature of the Chiyoda Line train we were sharing, he should exercise his curiosity about the package a six-foot Englishman was toting.

I will never know if I measured up to his expectations, but I am pretty sure he won’t be trying that kind of exploratory research again.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Osaka Expo pavilion cost may further increase by ¥7.7 bil See in context

What a massive surprise.

LDP/Construction industry/Yaks sign a contract for something nobody really wants.

Suddenly, for no valid reason and without consultation, the costs increase exponentially.

Taxpayers pick up the tab and say “Shoganai “

Rinse and repeat.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

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