Police in Nakashibetsu, Hokkaido, have arrested a 58-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of fraudulent obstruction of business after he mixed urine into hand soap in a drugstore toilet.
Police said Kazuyoshi Tateoka has admitted to the allegation and quoted him as saying, "I did it to cause trouble for people,” Hokkaido Broadcasting Corp reported.
Police said Tateoka mixed urine into a bottle of hand soap in the drugstore's multi-purpose toilet on the night of November 18.
According to police reports, the drugstore had previously reported incidents of discolored hand soap. A store employee was paying attention to customers using the restroom and noticed the hand soap changed color after Tateoka exited the toilet.
© Japan Today
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Well if his intention was to have a laugh, the joke's on him - urine is actually sterile and a natural germ disinfectant. He basically gave that soap an antibacterial upgrade for free.
Thanks Yellow Avenger - not all heroes wear capes... some simply wield a full bladder and an unorthodox understanding of sanitation.
@Jay, your progressive views on social issues are very insightful.
I have always been a bit wary of hand soap dispensers in busy shops for exactly this reason. Anybody can put anything in them and there are a lot of such people with pent-up aggression who do these sorts of things.
Very unusual to find a public restroom with soap in Japan.
Another mental case who needs to be sectioned and locked away in an institution for the good of the public.
Nobody would consider having someone else urine in their hygienic products an upgrade, there is nothing in urine that would make the soap "more antibacterial".
That's a really weird story! What kind of pleasure did the guy get off on by doing this?
I remember going into the fast food shops in Chicago and my friend telling me to look out for what they put in the special sauce, but that was because the workers were minorities and we were white (a racial thing). So he watched them carefully to be sure they weren't spitting on our hamburgers.
sick and disturbing individual
Deo Gratias
Relax, would you? He was being sarcastic.
Weird! The man obviously is not the full quid. He needs to get therapy immediately. He also needs to work. There is no excuse for being unemployed long term in Japan. There are shortages of workers.
Jail, jail, jail!!!..
You would be surprised about how frequently people can take false information (even one presented sarcastically) as true if presented without opposition.
Mirai Hayashi
Must have been stress from work