Japan Today
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will on September 26 head to Washington to meet with US President Joe Biden at the White House Image: AFP

Russia can only be forced into peace, Zelenskyy tells U.N.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Tuesday at the United Nations that Russia can only be forced into a peace settlement, as he vowed not to negotiate on Moscow's terms to end the war.

Addressing a special U.N. Security Council session attended by a representative of Russia, Zelenskyy also joined the United States in pressuring Iran and North Korea for alleged military support to Russia.

Zelenskyy, on a trip in which he is presenting his "victory plan" for Ukraine, questioned the sincerity of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has suggested freezing lines of control.

"We know some in the world want to talk to Putin," Zelenskyy said, "to possibly hear from him that he's upset because we are exercising our right to defend our people."

Zelenskyy, clad in his trademark military fatigues, called such views "insanity."

"Russia can only be forced into peace, and that is exactly what's needed -- forcing Russia into peace," he said.

Zelenskyy said that any end to Russia's two-year-old invasion has to be based on the U.N. Charter, which enshrines sovereignty by member states.

"One day in this hall, it will surely be said that Russia's war against Ukraine has ended -- not paused, not forgotten, truly ended," Zelenskyy said. "This will happen not because someone got tired of the war, not because someone traded something with Putin. Russia's war against Ukraine will end because the U.N. Charter will work."

Zelenskyy will on Thursday meet at the White House with President Joe Biden, who in an address to the United Nations urged international support for Ukraine until victory.

Zelenskyy's political positioning comes weeks ahead of a U.S. election in which Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has described billions of dollars of U.S. aid to Ukraine as wasteful and voiced admiration for Putin.

Zelenskyy again promised a second "peace summit" and said he was inviting both China and India, key powers that have refused to go along with Western sanctions on Ukraine.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, addressing the Security Council, welcomed what he described as rising pressure for diplomacy.

"Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable way to settle the Ukraine crisis. If day after day, peace talks cannot be launched, then misjudgment and miscalculation would build, which leads to even greater crisis," he said.

He insisted China was devoted to peace, saying: "China is not a creator of the Ukraine crisis, nor are we a party to it."

But he spoke ahead of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who again charged that China has been fueling Russia's military build-up through the export of items nominally for civilian use including advanced electronics and machine tools.

Blinken rejected suggestions that his criticism was hypocritical when the United States is arming Ukraine.

"There is a profound difference. Russia is the aggressor. Ukraine is the victim," Blinken said.

He called for the United Nations to act against both North Korea, which has ramped up military supplies to Russia, and Iran, recently accused by U.S. intelligence of shipping short-range missiles to Russia.

"Support from Tehran and Pyongyang is helping Putin inflict carnage, suffering and ruin on innocent Ukrainian men, women, children," Blinken said.

Zelenskyy said of the two countries: "Russia has no legitimate reason -- none at all -- for making Iran and North Korea de facto accomplices in its criminal war in Europe, with their weapons killing us, killing Ukrainians."

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian, a self-styled moderate in the cleric-run state, on Monday denied Tehran has sent weapons and criticized Moscow for its "aggression."

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"There is a profound difference. Russia is the aggressor. Ukraine is the victim," Blinken said.

A lot of people seem to forget this.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Russia have just over a year to wage this war before they capitulate.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

as he vowed not to negotiate

The war will end when Zelensky's forces leave the 4 Russian speaking provinces.

Either Zelensky orders them to withdraw (sparing lives) or the Russian army will force them out.

Either way, it's going to happen.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

This is true. The war began with Russian savagery. They need to see the error of that.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

BanthuToday  06:58 am JST

as he vowed not to negotiate

The war will end when Zelensky's forces leave the 4 Russian speaking provinces.

Either Zelensky orders them to withdraw (sparing lives) or the Russian army will force them out.

Either way, it's going to happen.

You are not going to get areas on the other side of the river you flooded or population centers without a fight you haven't seen yet.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

without a fight you haven't seen yet.

Ukrainian soldiers are beginning to see that this is just a pointless proxy war and that Zelensky is a Neo-con puppet and are abandoning entire towns intact without a fight, which is why the Russians are advancing past fortified areas so quickly now.

0 ( +8 / -8 )


Ukrainian soldiers are beginning to see that this is just a pointless proxy war and that Zelensky is a Neo-con puppet and are abandoning entire towns intact without a fight, which is why the Russians are advancing past fortified areas so quickly now.

You are forgetting that Putin is the aggressor here. The US has nothing to do with this war, except by providing weapons for Ukraine to defend themselves.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Zelenskyy is just in some fantasy reality.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Tuesday at the United Nations that Russia can only be forced into a peace settlement, as he vowed not to negotiate on Moscow's terms to end the war.

Pick a side, arm Ukraine with the weaponry to force Tyrant Putin to turn tail, withdraw.

For Ukraine, its courageous brave people to negotiate a long term ceasefire must be from a position of strength.

Provide the long range next generation missiles that can hit target deep in Russian territory, air support, an unequivocal message that any dictatorship invader will not be given quarter.

There will be risk, the concern that Putin will make good on his threats of deployment tactical nuclear weapons.

I worry about my UK family and have stated so.

However the question remains appeasement has never achieved "peace in our time" never will.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

16,000 thousand losses of Ukraine in Kursk alone. Why does Ukraine need all this?

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

The war will end when Zelensky's forces leave the 4 Russian speaking provinces

Words rhetoric, taken straight out from Nazi Germany playbook, circa 1937, to justify invasion, horrors that led to WW2.

Ukraine sovereign territory must never must be stolen by an Russian invasion force.

Russian speakers must leave, return to Russia where they belong.

I am sure President Putin will be able to accommodate you.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

An when is the victory party

0 ( +4 / -4 )

So, does this mean that Zelensky also thinks that the world should force Netanyahu to accept the ceasefire agreement that the US and Palestine hammered out?

Oops, he's on record as planning to make his regime a carbon copy of Netanyahu's (having taken a big step in that direction by denying the vote to a significant portion of the legal population of the places he insists he is the representative and spokesman for, and declaring much of that population 'foreign'. Probably the only reason he isn't committing 'plausible genocide' at present is someone intervened to protect the civilian population from that fate.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

RichardPearceToday  07:33 am JST

So, does this mean that Zelensky also thinks that the world should force Netanyahu to accept the ceasefire agreement that the US and Palestine hammered out?

It's not Zelenskyy's job to decide what should happen in Israel.

Oops, he's on record as planning to make his regime a carbon copy of Netanyahu's (having taken a big step in that direction by denying the vote to a significant portion of the legal population of the places he insists he is the representative and spokesman for, and declaring much of that population 'foreign'. Probably the only reason he isn't committing 'plausible genocide' at present is someone intervened to protect the civilian population from that fate.

Nonsense: invade a country and you should not expect elections to be held on occupied territory. And Putin is there to loot and murder, not protect anyone from genocide.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

nikToday  07:19 am JST

16,000 thousand losses of Ukraine in Kursk alone. Why does Ukraine need all this?

Because they need to move on from the savagery of their former imperial masters.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

BanthuToday  07:06 am JST

without a fight you haven't seen yet.

Ukrainian soldiers are beginning to see that this is just a pointless proxy war and that Zelensky is a Neo-con puppet and are abandoning entire towns intact without a fight, which is why the Russians are advancing past fortified areas so quickly now.

A majority of the population believes they will remove the Russian from Ukraine, actually.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

The thief judges by his condition. Or, the kettle calling the pot black.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Funny how Zelensky, who wouldn't accept a peace deal to end the UKRAINIAN CIVIL WAR when he thought American help was going to give him a win is now screaming for help because the other side of the civil war got helped, too, and now he's been retreating and retreating and has realized that the American help he's been promised probably won't arrive in time to save him from a full defeat.

The irony is that by the time enough American help arrives, most of it will be needed to put down a revolt by his 'own side'.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

RichardPearceToday  08:24 am JST

Funny how Zelensky, who wouldn't accept a peace deal to end the UKRAINIAN CIVIL WAR when he thought American help was going to give him a win is now screaming for help because the other side of the civil war got helped, too, and now he's been retreating and retreating and has realized that the American help he's been promised probably won't arrive in time to save him from a full defeat.

The Donbas residents didn't put together hundreds of thousands of troops, millions of shells, and Su-57s. Simple as.

The irony is that by the time enough American help arrives, most of it will be needed to put down a revolt by his 'own side'.

Ukraine is not as unstable as your hero countries.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


Funny how Zelensky, who wouldn't accept a peace deal to end the UKRAINIAN CIVIL WAR

It’s not really a civil war. The war in the Donbas wouldn’t have started without Russia getting involved. In that sense, it’s a proxy war.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

RichardPearceToday  08:24 am JST

Funny how Zelensky, who wouldn't accept a peace deal to end the UKRAINIAN CIVIL WAR 

Also one side in that "civil war" seems to have already been absorbed by its giant neighbor and it isn't Free Ukraine.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Only the Russian people can force Putin to make peace by withdrawing troops from Ukraine. Eventually they'll get tired of more and more frequent attacks on Russian soil, causing economic damage and evacuations. Unfortunately the Moscow regime won't care about them until they feel their power is threatened.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Tuesday at the United Nations that Russia can only be forced into a peace settlement"

Peace settlement was drafted and ready to sign at Istanbul peace talks before Boris Johnson flew in to sabotage the talks on behalf of the western war hawks and tell Ukraine to fight instead. Their plans to prolong the conflict and strategically weaken Russia were more important to them than peaceful Ukraine and the lives of its citizens. This was confirmed once again this week by both Turkiye President Erdogan and ex German Chancellor G. Schroder, world class statesmen who were both deeply involved in the said peace negotiations. Naturally Washington propaganda machine and its peddlers will try to say this isn't true in order to push their own fake narrative.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

burgers and beers

Peace settlement was drafted and ready to sign at Istanbul peace talks before Boris Johnson flew in to sabotage the talks on behalf of the western war hawks and tell Ukraine to fight instead.

Kremlin talking points. How did BoJo force Ukraine not to sign?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Zelensky is a dictator! His mandate as president expired months ago. His Masters in the US know that he would never be re elected if a democratic vote was held! I guess as long as he is the USs dictator that's ok....

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

""Ukrainian President Zelensky said Tuesday at the United Nations that Russia can only be forced into a peace settlement, as he vowed not to negotiate on Moscow's terms to end the war.""

So Wrong, 2 plus years since (Feb. 2022) has past and neither side has accomplished anything but killing more and more of their people. Ukraine alone can't force Russia into a peace settlement, and the rest of the world has no appetite for an open war with Russia, in fact many are beginning to avoid getting involved.

Mr. Zelensky better find new ways for a peaceful settlement or move on and allow a new leader to handle it.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

"Kremlin talking points. How did BoJo force Ukraine not to sign?"

Do you have anything reliable to prove Turkiye President Erdogan and ex German Chancellor Schroder are not telling the truth when they said powerful western interests ( who BoJo represented ) told Zelensky to reject the peace offer or are we expected to just take your preferred narrative at face value? Most unbiased individuals around the world would likely choose to believe the above two world class statesmen who were involved in the Istanbul negotiations over internet commentators who try to cast doubt on the validity of their claims.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


Mr. Zelensky better find new ways for a peaceful settlement or move on and allow a new leader to handle it.

Doesn’t need to. Russia has just over a year to resolve this war before it has to give. Zelenskyy only needs to wait.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

burgers and beers

"Kremlin talking points. How did BoJo force Ukraine not to sign?"

Do you have anything reliable to prove 

My question is how did BoJo force Zelenskyy not to sign?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Underworld 09:27 - so you don't have anything to prove Turkiye President and ex German Chancelor are not telling the truth. We will choose to believe their words over our internet commentator experts then, shall we?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Russia has just over a year to resolve this war before it has to give. Zelenskyy only needs to wait.

OK, lets see how well this prediction ages then, shall we.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

burgers and beers

Underworld 09:27 - so you don't have anything to prove Turkiye President and ex German Chancelor are not telling the truth. We will choose to believe their words over our internet commentator experts then, shall we?

What did Turkiye President and ex German Chancelor say that BoJo did to force Zelenskyy not to sign?

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Today 06:59 am JST

This is true. The war began with Russian savagery. They need to see the error of that.


The war started in 2014 when after an agreement, the Ukrainian Nationalist still overthru the elected government and triggered the civil war then enacted multiple anti ethnic Russian laws, used the 2 Minsk agreements to buy time to arm in order to attack the separatist regions, 2022 was the inevitable second faze of this long conflict.

I don't know what Ukraine and the west thought was going to happen Angela Merkel admitted Minsk was just a lie, Ukraine passed dozens of laws against the Russian language and even claimed that ethnic Russians were not part of the original people of the region completely ignoring the historical facts.

With all this, is anyone surprised that the war expanded and has reached this level.

The hypocrisy of the west is blatant. These regions are either highly ethnic or majority ethnic Russian but no right to determine their own fate. But Kosovo was Serbian until ethnic Albanian refugees became the majority and suddenly, they can split and NATO helped them.

Self determination only applies when the west thinks they like it.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Yes. More death and destruction must be brought to Russia to end this conflict.

2 ( +5 / -3 )



The war started in 2014 when after an agreement, the Ukrainian Nationalist still overthru the elected government and triggered the civil war

Incorrect. Maidan was a protest by the people. Nobody overthrew the elected government. The civil war was started by the Russians. You forgot to mention that the Russians also annexed Crimea at this time.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Words rhetoric, taken straight out from Nazi Germany playbook, circa 1937, to justify invasion, horrors that led to WW2.

Russian speakers must leave, return to Russia where they belong.

You do realise that Russian speakers have lived across Ukraine for centuries? Zelenskyy, his closest advisors, and his top generals are all Russian speakers who could barely speak a word of Ukrainian before this conflict broke out. Invoking the horrors of WW2 and then calling for genocide (forced population transfer) in the same post is not exactly a good look.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

True. Putin is a madman. Can't negotiate with a lunatic. Just have to hammer him down or take him out.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Russia will win this one. Putin already offered terms.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

JJEToday  10:01 am JST

Russia will win this one. Putin already offered terms.

You're up early. It's like 4AM in Moscow.

Plus whatever his "terms"are, you can be sure they're a complete joke.

The only terms should be that Russia gets out of Ukraine once and forever.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Zelensky really messed up doing foreign interference in our elections by campaigning with Democrats in Pennsylvania and criticizing JD Vance.

all his eggs are in the losing basket now. Meeting with trump? Canceled.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


Zelensky really messed up doing foreign interference in our elections by campaigning with Democrats in Pennsylvania and criticizing JD Vance.

It’s not as if he’s the only one criticizing JD. Good job.

all his eggs are in the losing basket now. Meeting with trump? Canceled.

As if that changes anything.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

However the question remains appeasement has never achieved "peace in our time" never will.

You don’t know history.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Blinken rejected suggestions that his criticism was hypocritical when the United States is arming Ukraine.

Translation: he reserves the right to be a blatant hypocrite.

This conduct and attitude is really the cause of it all.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Words rhetoric, taken straight out from Nazi Germany playbook, circa 1937, to justify invasion, horrors that led to WW2.

Russian speakers must leave, return to Russia where they belong.

You do realise that Russian speakers have lived across Ukraine for centuries? Zelenskyy, his closest advisors, and his top generals are all Russian speakers who could barely speak a word of Ukrainian before this conflict broke out. Invoking the horrors of WW2 and then calling for genocide (forced population transfer) in the same post is not exactly a good look.

That’s the scary thing - the complete and utter ignorance of the war monger crowd.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


That’s the scary thing - the complete and utter ignorance of the war monger crowd.

The war monger crowd support Putin. Putin can stop this war tomorrow.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

What did Turkiye President and ex German Chancelor say that BoJo did to force Zelenskyy not to sign?

Well, if you choose to pretend not comprehending that Turkiye president and ex German Chancelor saying that powerful western interests represented by BoJo ) prevented Zelensky from signing the Istanbul peace agreement in favor of prolonging the fight in order to strategically weaken Russia means just that, then I'm afraid I can' help you with it any further. Meaningless to keep going in circles.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Blinken rejected suggestions that his criticism was hypocritical when the United States is arming Ukraine.

Translation: he reserves the right to be a blatant hypocrite.

This conduct and attitude is really the cause of it all.


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Zelensky is desperate and delusional..

Everyday Russian is nearer to total victory..

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

This is true. The war began with Russian savagery. They need to see the error of that.

Wrong, war stared with the intervention of US. that organized and and financed the Euromaidan which originated the Ukrainian civil war in 2014..

Learn history, books are your friends..

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Russia can only be forced into peace, Zelenskyy tells U.N.

Translation: I want an endless suppy of Western cash and weapons.

Fact is, this proxy war stops the moment the US stops funding it.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Zelensky is desperate and delusional..

Everyday Russian is nearer to total victory..

No. Zelenski is not delusional, he is trying desperately to keep the US involved and says whatever he needs to say to achieve that. And no, there is no "total victory" for anyone. Everybody is damaged by this. But the bigger the crisis in the Middle East gets, the bigger the chance that the US finally walks away from Zelenski, at which point this war can stop and the negotiators can go back to the table they were forced to leave in Istanbul.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Translation: I want an endless suppy (sic.) of Western cash and weapons.

Last I heard, the US used a minuscule portion of its defence budget to cause colossal damage to Russia's military capabilities. The fact that the Russian puppets (i.e. most of the republican party) are trying to stop this doesn't change the fact that the original US response was great value for money. A weakened (preferably destroyed entirely) Russia can only be a net positive for global stability.

Course there seems to be a certain segment of the US population who actually want to align themselves with Russia, which is a sort of perverse testament to a) how insidiously clever the Russians are at propaganda, if not at actual fighting, and b) how many dangerously stupid and gullible people there are in the USA.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

M3, Yes you may feel, quite rightly that my suggestion is harsh disingenuous, frankly outrageous.

Also families could be separated, husbands/wives.

Decisions have to be made, this war must end, these Russians who decide to stay must be guaranteed protection equal rights under international law.

However must swear/fully abide to accept the laws associated with citizenship of Ukraine, its sovereignty.

This must be part of the negotiation process, after Russian forces withdrawal, ceasefire.

They maybe Russian speakers, even consider themselves Russian, however the land they are standing on is sovereign Ukraine territory.

Accept or leave for the sake of all of Ukraine.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

This conflict has been building for several decades.

The right Wing Ukrainian Nationalist have long been creating their ethnic cleansing false information and propaganda that Zelenski has repeated many times.

Bad Russians! Good Ukrainians! He and others honor UPA that massacred non Ukrainians in Poland, they propagate the false view the 1930s famine was genocide ignoring 3 million ethnic Russians as well as 3 million ethnic Ukrainian died.

They propagate it was the "Russians" that caused the famine but in reality the architect of the famine was Trofim Lysenko an ethnic Ukrainian who's ideas also lead to the famine in China under the communist there, they ignore that Stalin was Georgian and could barely speak proper Russian, the leader of the NKVD was also Georgian.

And the west ignores all the facts.

The declaration that Ethnic Russians are not originally from the regions they live today is another propaganda falsehood.

Kharkiv river and all the cities on the east side along the north south river were established by Russia as fortifications against Tartar raids, and ethic Ukrainians crossed into these areas for protection.

The propaganda by Zelenski and the nationalist ethnic purists makes any settlement of this conflict near impossible.

How can anyone expect the Ethnic Russians in Ukraine to accept and trust a government that has basically outlawed their language and denies that they are from the lands they have lived in for centuries.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

It’s not as if he’s the only one criticizing JD. Good job.

he’s a foreign leader, a guest in our country, interfering in our election.

who only exists due to our grace and compassion.

stupid of him to do and say what he did.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Course there seems to be a certain segment of the US population who actually want to align themselves with Russia, which is a sort of perverse testament to a) how insidiously clever the Russians are at propaganda,

Speaking of our current Intel….

if not at actual fighting, and b) how many dangerously stupid and gullible people there are in the USA.

Very hard to quantify….

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Fact is, this proxy war stops the moment the US stops funding it.


zelensky victory plan?

give me unlimited money and weapons forever.

what a plan.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

This whole process will need to be policed by an agreed independent peacekeeping force through a signed treaty.

Putin Russia will play no part other than observer status.

All regions will lay down arms sit down and hammer out a lasting peace.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Self determination only applies when the west thinks they like it.

In a rare case of someone saying the quiet part out loud, US Senator Lindsey Graham says Ukraine is a "gold mine" with $12 trillion worth of critical minerals, which the West "can't afford to lose".

Ukraine was offered loans to develop such resources, on the condition that Western firms get access. You are being duped if you think this war is being fought for "democracy".

3 ( +3 / -0 )

A few facts.

Zelenski wants more western arms, but as we all know the second rainy season and muddy season is fast approaching.

Every time this happens the so-called supervisor western tanks, APC, etc.. become near useless because they are too heavy and not designed for the terrain.

As the Russian so-called inferior tanks, APC etc.. were specifically designed for such regions.

Last rainy season in the spring turned into a western vehicle graveyard, the 2023 Ukrainian summer offensive that never broke the lines lost most of its equipment as soon as the fall rains came.

In Kursk Russia is now closing in on the only 2 paved supply roads and this is the goal.

Once these 2 roads are cut the only supplies to Ukrainian forces will be dirt roads and fields and once the rain hits, the western vehicles will again get stuck and be sitting targets for Russia jets and drones.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

"Yes. More death and destruction must be brought to Russia to end this conflict."

Yes that is what Washington/ Brussels war hawks want too, prolonging the conflict as long as possible. Until the last Ukrainian they say. Its a good deal for them as no NATO casualties ( officially ) are involved, poor Ukrainians do the dying for the long term strategic NATO war hawk plans. Peace is needed there not prolonging the conflict.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Antiquesaving, there will need to be a period of autonomy, probably decades, the Russians must be guaranteed ethnicity, the right to speak Russian, to follow there chosen culture.

I suggest the EU/UN oversee.

However no political interference from member state leadership.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

"Incorrect. Maidan was a protest by the people. Nobody overthrew the elected government."

Maidan event was a coup which overthrew the legitimate government at the time. The event matches the dictionary definition of a coup perfectly.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Graham says Ukraine is a "gold mine" with $12 trillion worth of critical minerals, which the West "can't afford to lose".

all the Ukrainian patriots dying in a pointless war allows the West to more easily take those as part of “rebuilding” the country. No patriots in Ukraine left to stop them, just the corrupt who remain.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

burgers and beersToday 09:02 am JST

Peace settlement was drafted and ready to sign at Istanbul peace talks before Boris Johnson flew in to sabotage the talks on behalf of the western war hawks and tell Ukraine to fight instead

84% of Ukrainians know maskirovka from you when they hear it (favorability of the UK):


Maidan event was a coup which overthrew the legitimate government at the time. The event matches the dictionary definition of a coup perfectly.

One of the most peaceful coups in human history because the puppets fled.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Yeah ok. What were the peace terms then?

Peace settlement was drafted and ready to sign at Istanbul peace talks before Boris Johnson flew in to sabotage the talks on behalf of the western war hawks and tell Ukraine to fight instead. Their plans to prolong the conflict and strategically weaken Russia were more important to them than peaceful Ukraine and the lives of its citizens. This was confirmed once again this week by both Turkiye President Erdogan and ex German Chancellor G. Schroder, world class statesmen who were both deeply involved in the said peace negotiations. Naturally Washington propaganda machine and its peddlers will try to say this isn't true in order to push their own fake narrative.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

BlacklabelToday 11:03 am JST

he’s a foreign leader, a guest in our country, interfering in our election.

Maybe don't say his country should be annihilated next time.

who only exists due to our grace and compassion.

No, who exists due to the patriotism of its people, something you would never know about.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

AntiquesavingToday 11:02 am JST

How can anyone expect the Ethnic Russians in Ukraine to accept and trust a government that has basically outlawed their language and denies that they are from the lands they have lived in for centuries.

How can anyone expect that Ukrainians would negotiate with a leader that lied about invasion and then tried to wipe them off the face of the Earth?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Fighting against an invader is pointless? Then you won't fight for anything. Of course, there are always people who think this way.

I thoughtt repubs were tough on illegal immigration

all the Ukrainian patriots dying in a pointless war allows the West to more easily take those as part of “rebuilding” the country. No patriots in Ukraine left to stop them, just the corrupt who remain.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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