Japan Today

Yamaha Motor president injured allegedly by knife-wielding daughter


The president of Yamaha Motor Co sustained an arm injury Monday after his adult daughter allegedly attacked him with a kitchen knife at their house in central Japan, local police said.

The police arrested Hana Hidaka on suspicion of attempted murder of her father Yoshihiro, 61, by assaulting him with the weapon at around 3 a.m. Monday at the house in Iwata, Shizuoka Prefecture, they said.

The police responded to a call by the 33-year-old daughter, who told them that her father beat her.

She had also called the police at around 5:30 p.m. the previous day, they added.

An official of the Iwata-based company that manufactures motorcycles and other vehicles said it will refrain from commenting on the allegation as it is "a private matter that is under investigation."


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Don't know the details... so I may be wrong but... 33 year old woman living with her parents (rich parents).

two words comes to mind "spoiled brat"

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

"Psychological issues" is also two words

Daniel Neagari

two words comes to mind "spoiled brat"

6 ( +9 / -3 )

"Psychological issues" is also two words

Well yes...that too.. but also there is "Electra complex", "egocentric personality", "Psychopathic behaviour", and a pletora of two words that potentially coudl describe this person... but in my case those two words (spoiled brat) were the first that came up... mainly because I don't do psysiatric evaluation nor currently involved in any psycological practices

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Rumor is that the daughter suffers from bipolar disorder and ADHD, from her own SNS account. However, the police is checking if indeed that was her account.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

I'm guessing the pain of seeing his daughter behaving in that way is greater than the pain of the wounds -- seeing that she is that damaged. I hope she can stabilize with good professional help.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Sometimes is is easier to let go when issues from mental plane are moved into physical plane. It is scary to see something like this for a fresh father. Having own children and raising them is often sign of mental stability. Of course every family has its issues, but this escalated a knife too far, or too close.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Put that money to good use, and close all her credit accounts

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I'm reminded once again of the adage,

Nothing good ever happens at 3 AM.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

This will all be assessed once it reaches the court - the prevalence of violence in this case needs close examination.

Did the father actually 'beat' his 33-year old daughter, how and what with ?

Did she arm herself with a knife to defend herself, or was she the assailant in this case ?

Very disturbing to read of such totally unnecessary and shocking violence within what should be a happy family home environment.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

two words comes to mind "spoiled brat"

Maybe, but that's not a reason to assault her (if he did)

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Daniel NeagariToday  05:51 pm JST

"Psychological issues" is also two words*

Well yes...that too.. but also there is "Electra complex", "egocentric personality", "Psychopathic behaviour", and a pletora of two words that potentially coudl describe this person... but in my case those two words (spoiled brat) were the first that came up... mainly because I don't do psysiatric evaluation nor currently involved in any psycological practices

But yet you're comfortable doing personality evaulations on a person you know nothing about?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Does loafer fit the category?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Ok lets ask why the daughter call the police not once but twice. Why did the father beat her as she claimed? 33 years old could there perhaps be a case where the father is sexually assaulting her and beat her because she spurned his advances. We don't know but perhaps she grew tired of this happening if it did. After all the police said it is a private family matter which could be many things. These are all assumption but why would he beat her, and why would she call the police twice? Where was the mother, perhaps she had no idea such occurrences was happening if they did. Some posters said she had ADHD etc if so I don't think that would be something you would want to keep out of print, but being who he is if incest was the case I can see why it was not reported because of his status and how it could turnish the company image.

The police responded to a call by the 33-year-old daughter, who told them that her father beat her.

She had also called the police at around 5:30 p.m. the previous day, they added.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

IMHO, there's mental health involved here, and her father (through confusion or lack of skill) has decided to lash out at her oddities rather than embrace and love her for her uniqueness.

Sad, but I think the system has failed both of them.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

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