The number of foreign nationals residing in Japan reached over 3.7 million as of the end of 2024, up 10.5 percent from a year before and hitting a record high for the third straight year, according to government data.
The number of people granted refugee status dropped by 113 to 190. But 1,661 -- mainly Ukrainians -- were given status under "complementary protection," a new program that allows those fleeing conflict to stay in Japan, similarly to those granted refugee status, by in principle giving them long-term resident visas.
Of the 3,768,977 foreign nationals who were residing in Japan as of December, permanent residents made up the largest group by residential status at around 918,000 people, up 3 percent, according to the Immigration Services Agency.
Foreigners living in Japan under the country's technical internship program, which is aimed at transferring skills to developing nations, grew 12.9 percent to approximately 456,000.
By nationality, Chinese accounted for the largest group at about 873,000, followed by Vietnamese and South Koreans at around 634,000 and approximately 409,000, respectively.
The number of people who applied for refugee status fell 10.5 percent to about 12,000, of whom 102 from Afghanistan, 36 from Myanmar and 18 from Yemen, among others, were granted asylum. Nearly 180 people cited fears of persecution in their home country due to their political opinion.
A total of 1,618 Ukrainians were accepted under the complementary protection system, which was introduced in December 2023 amid Russia's war against Ukraine. The system has allowed Ukrainian evacuees to ensure a stable resident status without having to meet what critics call Japan's tough screening rules for refugee status.
Another 335 people who did not fall either under the refugee status or the complementary protection were granted residence due to humanitarian reasons.
Under the country's revised Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, which came into force in June to allow the deportation of those who have made three or more asylum applications, 17 people were deported by of the end of December.
Meanwhile, the agency permitted 476 cases in which asylum seekers were allowed to live in the community under supervision of family members or supporters, as opposed to detention in immigration facilities.
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Accepting refugees who face persecution in their home countries is a humanitarian and admirable effort. However, Japanese society is largely homogeneous, meaning most citizens are not accustomed to interacting with foreigners. Additionally, Japanese people tend to be more reserved and more likely to yield to others' opinions. Given this background, there is a possibility that immigration and refugee acceptance could significantly influence Japanese society relatively easily. For this reason, Japan must take a cautious approach when considering immigration and refugee policies.
Shimo San.....sounds like the time of Admiral Perry and the Black Ships, by your description.
Japan is slowly dying demographically, so need some new thinking about "foreigners "
Japan has it's own share to improve birth decline but choose not to anything about it. In fact Japan who really open up to get cheap labor.
Currently in Japan there are more 241 thousands foreign labor using specialized skilled worker visa
Add that to 456 thousands from Japanese trainee program, is not about transferring skills. It's all about cheap labor, while claiming those worker is in currently is learning in Japan so their employer can pay them for less money.
Salary for foreign technical trainee program/実習生 only 85 thousands yen, that's why many Japanese business like that is even less than minimum wage.
Foreigners still only make up 3% of the total population. Maybe some disagree with me, but I like to welcome any foreigner from wherever they are. We are a minority here and we often face similar difficulties. So don't be surprised if a random foreigner at least acknowledged your presence. It was probably me. :)
We can also consider that a decrease in population does not mean the country will end.
Japan had far fewer people than today for all of its history until the 21st century.
Population decline is an issue across the developed world. Governments and corporations need to reconsider how success is measured. Focusing on productivity per person vs gdp is a start.
I don't see any issue with Permanent Residents from any country, they live, work and pay taxes in Japan. Well ok, as long as those from China are not spies. lol
Refugees wouldn't be either if their status in Japan provides a path for them to become Permanent Residents. But since their entry into Japan is based primarily on escaping persecution in their home countries, the linguistic and cultural familiarization is not there. Which results in difficulty working and requiring considerable support services which Japan must provide.
3.7 mil. is a minute drop in a large bucket.
Less than 3% more work need to be done to attract the wealthy and business minded individuals.
Geeter Mckluskie
The wealthy make up less than 1% of the population...good luck with that plan
How many permanent residents are living in Japan?
As of December 2024, there were approximately 918,000 permanent residents living in Japan, making up the largest group of foreign residents by residential status.
Australia "is still Australia ", yet we have about 50% of current population with one parent from overseas, or even higher, the first generation of Aussie born to migrant parents.
Japan wont lose its identity with a few tweaks in immigration, even refugee acceptance.
Ive been here for nearly 8 years this time, with a number of 1 or 2 year stays in the past 20 years.
Frankly, I am sick of older Japanese , or even kids, looking at me like I am some freak show.
"If you cut me do I not bleed "...LOL.
Posters on here might not see the countryside as I do...its where I live.
Many, even most, towns and hamlets are dying for lack of people.
Add in all the abandoned agricultural land, and I see a problem where immigration might be a solution.
Word's a small, connected place these days and there is no 'new' country culture in reality anywhere as a result.
Japan needs to survive and that means people needed to keep the Govt. solvent and the economy afloat.
Even if same level of immigration of approx. 1K per day remains, which was slightly higher than 2023's 330K....
Japan's native depopulation and aging still accelerating, likely topping (3K) per DAY, if honest about JN births abroad to couples with 1/2 JNs & internally to foreigners
Geeter Mckluskie
A better solution would be to subsidise farming and incentivise agricultural education and training among Japan's youth
Geeter Mckluskie
And it will continue to accelerate as those in previous generations in which families had 3-5 kids passes on. Considering the fact that 50% of current jobs will have been rendered obsolete due to AI and mass-automation within the next two decades at minimum a reduction in population is prudent at this point in Japan's history. When the population levels out to a sustainable level in this new digital, automated economy, there will be an organic shift in the birthrate. Currently, the population is organically levelling out to a more sustainable level.
Geeter Mckluskie
They would if ungodly expensive farm equipment was subsidised and they were given plots of land...observation based on teaching at a high school of 1500 kids since 1988...and raising 5 kids of my well as coaching youth ice hockey for 20 years. If nothing, those kids are Spartan in terms of effort.
Interesting isn't it, all this data on foreign workers, but no such data regarding Japan's native births for 2024? Would think a hospital 'census' would far easier than the general public and immigrations. Must be a reason!?!?!
Give Japan a free pass. Nope. So many defenders use the same tired ' not accustomed to foreigners' routine to hide the blatant prejudice of the country. What? Over one hundred years of foreign presence is not enough for people to get used to people of other races? I see the same people every day cross the street when I walk near or look away from me in disdain and that has nothing to do with not being accustomed or homogeneous. They aren't the only island country or mostly homogenous nation. Many Japanese, just like we may think about some white Southerners in the U.S., are just blatantly prejudiced. They aren't in your face about it but it's the same, they just do it in a more nuanced way. It's been taught to them since they were children; how to act and react. I don't particularly care if they take in refugees but the constant excuse-making by people around me is tiresome. Call it what it is: prejudice.
Just say Konnichiwa with a slight nod. If they respond back no issues. If they ignore you or run away, then yea, you're a freak show. lol
It was much worse 20-30 years ago.
Been happily living in Japan since the 70s. Raised kids here and now helping raise grandkids. I really love living here. It’s safe and quiet and the people act like human beings. How long do you think that will last if Japan allows mass immigration? Especially if they allow anybody from anywhere in. People who want to come to Japan but not except Japanese culture. People who want to create their own little neighborhoods were their little group huddles together.
There are different causes of prejudice. There is prejudice because of a long historically and culturally establised sense of majority and supriority, as in White folks in the U.S. Then there is prejudice because of unfamiliarity, with the appearance language and culture that is alien. In the case of Japan I think most of the prejudice is the latter.
For sure there is prejudice in Japan, predominantly from older Japanese men. Most of whom have never had any contact with anyone outside of their country. There is a significant difference between the older people and younger people who are more "wordly" due to the internet.
One thing I'll say is that if you feel like you're being looked at as though you don't belong you know how non-white people feel when they are in your country.
They do that already.
Among other things, the taxpayer pays to send strawberries to Hong Kong by refrigerated air freight. This has zero point zero zero effect on the wellbeing of 99.9% of people in the Japanese countryside.
I expect this to continue as the amount of people retire, the amount of students who wish to go to university continues, and the shrinking consumer base falls. The math is there for everyone to see. As the defense budget increases, school budgets increase and medical costs increase due to the aging population there are only a few solutions. 1) increase taxes on the rich or working class. Or 2) increase the population. There is a 3rd, cut services. Each one will have its consequences for the future. Some other people’s values and cultural expectations might be different from Japanese people who have grown up here and went through and education system that is different from home. A very simple example might dumping litter everywhere. While dumping garbage might be acceptable in their own country every kid in Japan was raised to clean their school, neighborhoods. But they’re small enough collectively to create a neighborhood rub. Small, it nevertheless still a social rub.
Foreign trainees are not able to do regular work and are nominally here for training, so their wages are low. In some cases, they have to pay a fee to an employment agent in their home country, so their actual wages are surprisingly low.
Japanese people who do not accept foreigners are often criticized, but Japanese people are fed up with foreigners who do not try to blend in with the local community and unilaterally impose their own culture and customs on people.
No matter how much the government makes no effort to solve the declining birthrate problem and accepts foreigners, Japanese people will have a limit to their tolerance.
Yeah, I'd like to see expressions like "that person looks Japanese" disappear.
I can't see it happening though. In the UK, the BBC has even been platforming someone who says black people can't be fully English. This would have been hard to imagine 10 years ago.
That's on par with many ignorant comments spoken by prejudice or lack of knowledge. I'm sorry to say it like that. While I agree that residents in a community should try to live peacefully with other residents, there seems to be a higher standard thrown at the foreigner vs. another Japanese person doing similar things. At least keep the standards the same. Also recognize that one complaint that many foreigners have is that no matter how much they try to blend in, they are never fully accepted. I do my best, but it isn't always easy.
As Dr. Martin Luther King said so eloquently, "judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin".
Too many in Japan and worldwide judge others without any basis other than superficial. As a parent, you can easily identify how people react almost instantly.
Every day this year and for MANY decades to come, Japan will become more multi-cultural, whatever that means, and so it's high time for people to evolve their true thinking and feelings to reflect the growing reality.
Hopefully the numbers will grow exponentially in the decades to come. Japanese are no longer having kids at even a break even sustainable rate. There will certainly be growing pains as we have seen with the nonstop drama involving tourism and tourist behavior. But this is the way Japan will survive, by foreign immigration.
Sarunghakan Feng
We're all foreigners from a land we don't even come from. We've all migrated from somewhere, Africa, or Europe, etc. Even the Yamato Japanese have certainly migrated from China or of somewhere North. Genetically, the Ainu's are the true natives of Japan, and look at them. It's essentially similar back then to Jim Crow. Ridiculous, complaining about "Foreigners" behaviour's when the Japanese themselves also show similar behaviours when traveling abroad. It's NOT about race. It's about the socioeconomic and biological evolutionary circumstances one has been given by in one's own body. Just because you're black DOESN'T mean you're some thief or a "hoodlum". Just because you're a Chinese DOESN'T mean you spit on sidewalks, or the like, etc. Just because you're white doesn't mean you're polite, generous, rich, etc. In fact, they complain about their own situation because they want to justify being STILL the top dogs economically and politically. Even being an Asian, we're already harshly judged by our own attitudes from the West, much less about body mass index differences, etc. So no, forget about labeling human beings. If a person smokes and has an attitude that is disliked in the Japanese culture, that's because he/she is merely showcasing his own cultural attitudes from his own country. It doesn't mean worse, bad or better. From a scientific explanation, if people smoke, they've been using that as a coping mechanism. If people shout loudly, it could be because the countries they come from need their voices to be heard, in a noisy environment or as of such. It could be because they're enthusiastic, fervent, etc. But of course, how do you even DEFINE "respect" in one's country? The main goal is to give kindness and empathy and compassion to both parties. I daresay, materialism, greed has chipped that away immensely, making us like the robots that we fear would one day rise up against us.
Population problem is only just beginning in Japan, the boom of babies between 1946 to early 1980s will start passing in large numbers soon. Five years from 1946 to 1950, about 12M born, meanwhile births set to fall rapidly, given aging female population.
Japan will lose in excess of 2M natives per year for many years, while aging, that's NOT slow Depopulation, but rather historical in peace time setting for ANY Country
Given above, immigrants and tech. innovations a MUST!
I don’t think we can make a blanket statement like that. Social proof shows that we all feel uncomfortable at times if something is different in society, because maybe our behavior, appearance, values, religion or cultural Norma’s are different that’s doesn’t make people racist or prejudice. It makes them humans but when we socially meet other people, interact, enjoy time together, we understand people better and the immigrants usually take on the social norms of that culture. Some don’t but that’s a different topic.But demanding certain things from that new country certainly doesn’t help.
so we have to combine a lot of different elements to bring about a good society but it’s not fair just to say, they are prejudice. We are scared of things we don’t understand, we are ignorant of things we don’t understand. We fear something if the media (including Japan today) only reports on crimes by the Chinese Vietnamese etc. so a cross branch of specialities is required to break the natural psychological elements we all have. Media, laws, psychology, sociology, and education etc all need to be brought together to reduce that fear or ignorance. Because They often go hand in hand.
Mr Kipling
If Japan needs immigrants, it should be very careful choosing which people it welcomes. Not have an open free for all. Some countries and cultures may prove to be a better fit than others. Choose wisely to reduce future problems.
There is almost half a million people underpaid and abused under the name of internship. Wake up people, Japan is not nice. They would do worse things if it was not subjugated by the USA.
black ships needed again…