Russia has permanently banned nine Japanese citizens from entering the country, according to a list published by the Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday.
The ministry said that the decision was made in response to Japan's sanctions against Russia related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
The list includes Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwai, the president and representative director of carmaker Isuzu Shinsuke Minami, and Shohei Hara, senior vice president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
In late July 2024 Russia took similar measures against another 13 Japanese nationals, including the chairman of another carmaker, Toyota Motor. Tokyo has protested against that decision.
Entry bans for foreigners are a common measure employed by Moscow in retaliation for sanctions or other opposition against Russia's military campaign in Ukraine.
Similar lists exist for several countries, including the U.S. and Canada and include hundreds of people.
© Thomson Reuters 2025.
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Well done to the honorable nine.
Further sidelines Tokyo, like the EU, at the very same time Washington is reengaging.
Who'd want to visit a totalitarian state presided over by a murdering warmonger.
Those 9 Japanese citizens must be so relieved that they don’t have to visit Russia.
Some dude
Being banned from Russia should be worn as a badge of pride.
They'll be desperately reapplying for access when US officials and businesses inevitably re-enter.
Besides, there was a report in this very publication last week indicating over 50% of Japanese businesses in Russia have not left.
As if anyone would willingly visit that warmongering fascist police state.
What’s the point of the entry ban? At least we get the message that Russians are not liking the sanctions. Now that Trump seems serious about ending the Ukrainian war, Japan should start considering lifting the mutually harmful sanctions against Russia.
Sven Asai
What a lovely kindergarten. But anyway, we can observe, that the bigger players, or call them world powers if you prefer, they turn crazy, still only diplomatically, but who knows how that manifests if it is a bigger mind sickness there in US, Russia and China.
Their actions seem infantile.
Russia is where my ancestors lived for a few hundred years before they fled again. For a number of reasons, nobody in our family has ever returned due to safety concerns for current positions, not due to the the great-great-grandparents being outlaws or anything like that.
For many people, it would be foolish to visit Russia. At least until the country becomes a working, open, democracy without thugs keeping other thugs in power.
They come and they go, but as soon as the Ukraine war is resolved later this year, diplomatic relations will 'thaw', happens every time, Japan can't ignore its large neighbor!
That’s A nice car from which he’s emerging. What kind of car is that?
Do you know that Japan and russia a still, technically, at war? And that russia stole some island from Japan?
The fact that people like JJE actively tries to defend the terrorist/dictatorship state of ruzzia just proves they are still trying hard to cause discord among the public by using their troll factories on websites like this.
Japan has always behaved hostile towards Russia. It is no surprise that the state of affairs are like this, If Russia stops pumping gas via Sakhalin-2 then Japan is finished just like Germany. Japan must realise it's no longer the great Japanese empire of the past. If it insists on confronting Russia and its neighbors with hostility then they will lose. At the end of the day BRICS countries will move together stronger and Japan will be left like a disowned puppy that its former master no longer cares about.
Can you give any example, comrade?
This is the consequences of being the puppet of good old US in the region..
Keep doing stupid things..
Bye bye, northern territories, byeeeeee...
Ricky Kaminski13
Pragmatism for consideration. All of you guys virtue signaling your anger and call for the stern approach towards Russia , isolationism basically, please take a moment to get off that high horse and think what happens if this plays out to an end game. It’s not good, for the poor sods that have to continue fighting, the region nor the world. All wars end with a sit down. Please consider for moment and tell me what I’m missing if you disagree, without resorting to idiot name calling and claims of ‘Russian asset’ nonsense. What exactly is the plan?
Keep in mind. Putin exists, like it or not , fact. He has a chip on his shoulder ( for reasons we can agree with or not, it definitely exists ) the size of a canyon, they also possesses huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons, seems more than willing to throw countless lives towards his cause and most dangerously, Putin has the ears of the eyes of some of the worst actors in the global game. From communist authoritarian regimes , sadistic dystopian dictators, Ayatollahs criminal cabals and terrorists alike. Fact.
Y’all can band together and scream your scorn as much as you like, create your coalition of the willing ( are you willing to fight? Ready? Do you know what that even looks like? ) and further push the Russians into a corner which will make them even more belligerent , full of contempt and more dangerous than they already are now. A wounded bear, is it prudent to keep poking it? This is not the voice of weakness, it’s just a simple question.
Do you actually think Putin will just lay down and capitulate to a bunch of banded Eurocrats? Where does this road lead?
The word ‘compromise’ has become a dirty word, and by the sounds of it ‘dialogue’ too. I’d be real careful what we wish for and anyone with an off-ramp plan or trying to deescalate the situation should have all of our ears.
Unfortunately, you know, it’s now become political…. And we all know the absurdities this road will lead us. Maybe to hell.
No more Borscht for them.
Yeah, poor Putin
attacking Ukraine, shooting down passenger jets, poisoning his political rivals, jailing journalists. Let’s all take his feelings into consideration.
Since WWII how has Japan provoked Russia?
by making good cars?
Sounds like the most progress so far has been with Trump. So if his strategy is to Stop the killing and death, let the man a have a chance to make it work. DT says a lot of fluff, poo, etc. but there is usually a plan at work that most don’t see or want to see or even understand what he hopes to accomplish. If his strategy is to cut aid, you know it’s probably his way to get to some kind of deal. He likes to make deals and he wants the killing to stop. if DT is responsible for some sort of success, the left will go against it. DT can’t and mustn’t succeed! I have a friend( who still talks to me) has super extreme dislike of DT. To the point of him expressing that the high velocity item that barely missed DT a few months back and how he was very disappointed of the bad aim. Some might say he suffers from a type of syndrome. As that will most likely be cens+sored by the JT folks, but how else do you explain it? As much as I disliked the Biden admin. I would never profess such dislike of the man and show ill will intent towards an individual. When you got family members turning on each other, you know something is amiss. Trump and Elon are good examples and one might come to the conclusion that our very media is to blame. One minute people admired them and then when they start leaning right ( one could say following com*mon sense) the media go after them and everything suddenly changes. If Obama came out tomorrow suddenly supporting Trump on a variety of issues, the Left would instantly go on the attack. This is the left for you. Brother , sister, family member, they will stop talking to them, block them in media. **(I have direct experience of this) and there are countless others out there will verify this. Please please make it make sense. I was a Obama supporter but have switched, how does it make sense that I have a brother that blocks me from FB. He gets super emotional when the facts don’t go his way…. Make it make sense. One might say, this is what they want because we are not focusing on what they are really up to on both sides.
I'm sure they're very disappointed they won't get the chance to stay at the soon-to-be-opened "Trump Plaza Red Square."
Like all his great casino deals? Yeah, he’s a genius deal maker arright
If you are banned from Russia, you must be doing something right.
There goes their summer holiday plans I suppose.
Desert Tortoise
It is the sort of thing a Foreign Minister is expected to do in the name of diplomacy. Even nations at war have diplomatic contacts, often in nations not involved in their war.
Seem to remember kishida was also banned and appealed
JJEToday 06:57 am JST
Washington is not “reengaging” they are surrendering
@Japan Glimpsed
Fck Russia. Fck the US. There it is. Remove it, JT.
@Japan Glimpsed
T doesn't care about anything. Well ,himself. excepted.
So : IMoron. You may be obtuse, but obtuseness implies intelligence. Probably you are an idiot.