U.S. President Donald Trump barreled towards a showdown with the courts Monday after his administration expelled alleged members of a Venezuelan gang under little-used, centuries-old wartime legislation.
Trump, already pushing the law to its limits on several fronts, also claimed he had annulled pardons issued by Joe Biden, on the grounds that his Democratic predecessor supposedly used an autopen for his signature.
The Republican's moves to amass power in the executive have increasingly raised fears that he will defy the judiciary, upending or at least reinterpreting the constitutional balance of power in the United States.
A U.S. federal judge ordered a hearing later Monday on whether the White House had deliberately ignored his orders by flying more than 200 people to El Salvador, where the Trump administration is paying the authorities to imprison the deportees.
The White House said the administration would win the case and denied that officials breached the law, saying the deportees had already left the United States when the judge made his order.
"We are wholly confident that we are going to win this case in court," Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt told a briefing.
Leavitt argued that the use of the obscure 1798 Alien Enemies Act was justified as Trump had declared members of Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang as a foreign terrorist group.
The law was last used in World War II to intern tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans.
Judge James Boasberg ordered a hearing at 5 p.m. with the administration's lawyers to clarify the situation.
Rights groups have warned the wartime legislation could be used as cover for mass deportations without due process.
El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele had posted "Oopsie ... Too late" on social media on Sunday in response to an article on the judge's ruling, adding a crying-with-laughter emoji.
That was then reposted by a senior Trump aide. The White House has also posted footage of detainees in handcuffs being led from a plane to a heavily guarded convoy, and of their heads being shaved upon arrival in El Salvador.
In Venezuela, the head of the parliament, Jorge Rodriguez, called the expulsions "a crime against humanity."
Trump promised a crackdown on undocumented migration during his 2024 election campaign and has repeatedly painted a dark picture of a wave of crimes by migrants that is at odds with official figures.
His administration has increasingly appeared to be spoiling for a legal fight that will end up in the conservative-dominated U.S. Supreme Court, becoming a test case for the extents of executive power.
Annuls pardons issued by Biden
Trump declared Monday he was annulling pardons issued by Joe Biden to shield Trump critics from retribution, claiming that they were invalid because his Democratic predecessor had supposedly used an autopen for his signature.
It was unclear what, if any, authority Trump has to void presidential pardons issued by his predecessor.
It is extremely rare for pardons to be revoked in U.S. history, and doing so in this case could see Trump again testing the limits of executive power as he takes aim at his political enemies.
Trump claimed that Biden's signature on the documents had been carried out with an autopen, a commonly used device, and therefore was not valid.
The pardons "are hereby declared void, vacant, and of no further force or effect, because of the fact they were done by Autopen," Trump posted on his social media account Truth Social.
However, he provided no evidence either for the use of an autopen or his contention that it would invalidate the signature.
U.S. presidents have long used autopens, including to sign bills into law. But Trump and his supporters, such as those linked to the right-wing policy document Project 2025, have sought to turn the issue into a way to delegitimize Biden's presidency.
Biden issued pardons to former senior Republican lawmaker Liz Cheney and other members of the congressional committee that had investigated the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol by Trump's supporters and multiple attempts by Trump to overturn the 2020 election in which he lost.
The Biden pardons, issued at the end of his presidency, were effectively a blanket immunity to shield the lawmakers from Trump's repeated promises that he would take revenge against them if he won the 2024 election.
Trump appeared to acknowledge that his action entered disputed legal territory.
Asked by reporters early Monday whether everything Biden signed with an autopen should be voided, Trump said "I think so. It's not my decision, that'll be up to a court."
But he said on Truth Social that the committee members "should fully understand that they are subject to investigation at the highest level."
Experts who spoke to Axios media outlet pointed out that even if Trump were to lose a court challenge over the move, the damage would already have been done, with those he targets being dragged into stressful legal battles.
Biden also issued preemptive pardons to former COVID pandemic adviser Anthony Fauci, retired general Mark Milley, and -- perhaps most controversially -- to close family members including his son Hunter. All of them had become public targets of the incoming Republican president.
Trump has repeatedly promised "retribution" against his political opponents and threatened some with criminal prosecution, and Biden said at the time that he could not "in good conscience do nothing."
On taking office this January, Trump immediately issued multiple pardons to supporters, including to about 1,500 people convicted in the storming of the Capitol building in an attempt to block certification of Biden's election victory on January 6, 2021.
© 2025 AFP
People were asking why Biden was issuing these pardons in the first place. Now, it’s clear that Trump wants to attack his perceived enemies.
Let's be honest, Ol' Joe granted some pretty dodgy pardons as he slipped out the door, making 'justice' a fairly loose term in US politics and life.
Just thinking out loud here, but I wonder what the likelihood of US Civil war is under the Trump administration? The US in general has looked like a hot mess for a couple of decades, but in 2025 it's really smoking.
What are the chances?
Wait wait... so the same Leftist Democrats who constantly preach about "justice" and "protecting women" are now up in arms about deporting violent criminals? Fascinating. I guess their concern for public safety DISAPPEARS when it conflicts with their open-borders ideology.
What is Japan's approach? Do foreign criminals who commit serious crimes get endless appeals, activist judges, or sanctuary city protection? NO - they get deported, no questions asked. The US should take notes instead of bending over backwards to protect crims who have ZERO right to be there in the first place.
He doesn't have any authority to do that, that's not a thing.
As usual, yeah. Just Donald lying and his otakus lapping it all up.
He does and it seems the Dems are in for another disappointing ruling once it gets to the Supreme Court
Every-time Trump proves that he is right, the Dems lose it, if they’re so confident, why get upset? My guess is that President Trump is using this to push the issue to the courts, ultimately to the SCOTUS. I think it's a good strategy to determine the legitimacy of the signatures and the former President's knowledge and understanding of what his signature was used for, clever.
I'm not a "Leftist Democrat", but I have no issue with deporting violent criminals. I do have an issue with the Trump admin claiming they deport "violent criminals" without providing any evidence for it.
I also have a problem with the Trump admin deporting a kidney transplant specialist with a valid visa for absolutely no reason, for example. But I guess the MAGA crowd will applaud that because they hate doctors and people getting kidney transplants.
There is some legitimate circumstantial evidence that Biden's autopen was being used in an unscrupulous manner: public comments and interactions with lawmakers showed him confused or not aware certain things were signed, more so in retrospect. Concerning because it indicates other people were perhaps exploiting his obvious physical/mental decline. This definitely warrants a broader investigation.
Nope. That's not a thing.
He never proves that he is right, ever.
He wants to be a dictator. And his MAGA enablers want to make him one.
So obvious.
And now we can see that he had good reason to.
Wait, we don’t know that they are violent criminals.
It's one thing for the supreme court to lean towards the political right in contentious decisions. It is quite another for them to surrender their role, undermine the status of their profession and switch the United States over to an absolute monarchy.
They did
I don’t, I don’t care what the reason is, if you’re illegal, you have no business being in the country-period.
I love doctors and have no problem with kidney transplant patients, but I have problem with illegals breaking our sovereign laws, that’s why I love Homen, and support his mission 100%
No there isn’t.
I’ll bet our MAGA friends are fully supportive of this crackpot theory.
I'm not a "Leftist Democrat", but I have no issue with deporting violent criminals. I do have an issue with the Trump admin claiming they deport "violent criminals" without providing any evidence for it.
When was the court hearing?
She wasn’t illegal. She had a valid visa.
Nope, they didn't. But feel free to prove that they did.
What part of "with a valid visa" did you not understand? It's just 4 words.
According to whom?
He doesn’t need to, particularly if he sees they could be a threat to the nation
No, your issue is just with anyone not "your side" doing the deportations. Got it. Funny how you demand "evidence" while ignoring the fact these are illegal immigrants committing these violent crimes (ICE routinely releases data on ALL criminal deportations btw). Why pretend this is some grand conspiracy rather than basic law enforcement doing its job?
So if any law was signed by an autopen, it is eligible for annulment. This could allow Trump and his ilk to go through reams of passed laws eliminating all sorts of "impediments" to them seizing more powers.
According to ICE , FBI and DOJ records
Federal authorities say in court documents filed in the deportation case of Alawieh, 34, that customs and border officials found "sympathetic photos and videos" of Hezbollah leaders on her cell
They also found "various other Hezbollah militants" in the deleted photo folder of her cell phone.
"With the discovery of these photographs and videos CHP questioned Dr. Alawieh and determined that her true intentions in the United States could not be determined," the documents allege.
"As such CBP canceled her visa and deemed Dr. Alawieh is inadmissible to the United States."
Says it all.
Justin Case
Tamarama 07:01 Today Just thinking out loud here, but I wonder what the likelihood of US Civil war is under the Trump administration? The US in general has looked like a hot mess for a couple of decades, but in 2025 it's really smoking.
It seems that democracy is fragile, even in the USA, the place I always thought to be the bastion of liberty.
Opposing political factions see each other as enemies, and authoritarian rule uses all manner of ways to suppress the least sign of challenge.
It does not look good.
So basically Trump is abusing his position to seek revenge, take money from the poor and middle-class and give it to the rich and reward those who pledge loyalty to him. Not one of his actions are for Americans in general. Those who voted for him who have lost their jobs, their support to buy food, medical expenses, etc. have no one to blame but themselves. MAGA farmers, veterans, SNS influencers, etc. flooding the internet with their sob stories should look in the mirror at who was the one who caused this mess.
Trump spending more time seeking revenge should be considered as waste. Its time that could be better spent at helping American people.
Lack of checks and balances on Trump's orders and actions.
These NOT migrants, these are Satanic killers and Drugs dealers.
The U.S. will be thrilled to send these killers to any one nation that wishes to host them.
For those nations or states that are crying foul Trump will be more than happy to send them your way.
Go Trump Go.
Here is footage of the El Salvador end of things - they don't muck around there:
How do you know? There has been no trial to determine this.
She hasn’t been charged with anything that would be in violation of her visa. Clearly a violation of the first amendment.
""El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele had posted "Oopsie ... Too late" on social media on Sunday in response to an article on the judge's ruling, adding a crying-with-laughter emoji.""
How Funny.
These are El Salvador citizens many without Visas too.
Satanic Killers with blood on there hands, those who are NOT will be processed and set free after trial in El Salvador according to media reports.
Trump believes he’s above the law and that the law doesn’t apply to him.
That’s why he’s a convicted felon.
Disregarding court decisions so funny.
MAGA is now openly fawning over a dictator who throws people in jail without due process. And then keeps them in appalling conditions for life.
So it's not only the "getting things done quick and damn those who stand in the way" that thrills the aggrieved and cynical MAGA cultists, it's also the cruelty that turns them on.
Hopefully if Trump continues with this kind of behavior America will lose it's global influence and power which is a good thing for the world.
That isn't a presidential power. Sorry Donny.
I'm torn about shipping illegal immigrants and gang members out of the US against a court ruling. Everyone in the Trump administration was verbally told what the "President's expectations were". There won't be any "proof" that the flights didn't leave BEFORE the judge's ruling(s), but there will be thousands of people who know their tiny part of the truth which easily shows the entire Trump administration is lying.
But if they are gang members or former gang members, then deportation is the least that should happen. If they are married to non-permanent residents, export them too. If they have US citizens/permanent residents as girl friends, charge them with immigration fraud for aiding illegal immigrants. After all, they entered the US either illegally or based on a lie on their VISA.
Don't forget to deep-tag them with RFID so they can't hide inside the US. Make it so the RFID don't just go off at ports of entry, but also at popular chain stores. Would be funny to see them being caught in a Walmart for shop-lifting and held there when they don't have anything.
No more carrots for illegal aliens. That's been the mistake of the US laws. It needs to be very hard to live in the US illegally.
Courts will sort out the issue of the Power of the President to deport illegal criminal/terrorist immigrants. Surely public safety will be a paramount concern.
For DJT, like election lawfare, it's a legal fight he's happy to have because vast majority of Americans want these 'Designated' Terrorists Deported ASAP.
Deportation likely at least 80% public support rate for DJT
Only in 'elite' media circles do illegal alien immigrant criminals, officially designated as terrorists deserve "Constitutional" protections.
Vast majority of Americans beg to differ with above and value THEIR Public Safety and National Security.
Nope. What part of "I have no issue with deporting violent criminals." did you not understand?
Great, please provide a link to the data on the 300 people deported yesterday.
Trump is just speeding up the inevitable. The US has basically admitted to the fact that they are way overextended. Their breaking of ties with many of their closest allies, and almost complete abandonment of soft power initiatives show that they dont care either.
So long as they have enough nukes to deter a Chinese invasion I guess thats all that matters to them.
So what you're saying is that if Trump "sees someone could be a threat to the nation", he can arrest anybody he wants, without any form of due process? Do you even understand what you are advocating for? Full-blown dictatorship?
Surely the rule of law and innocent until proven guilty are paramount.
They aren’t designated terrorists.
As for deportations, I'm all in for deporting immigrants, provided that they have been proven to be a part of a violent gang. Or, if they have a criminal record and are definitely illegal. However, in America there is such a thing as due process. Haphazardly messing with people's lives is not a good thing. Deporting or arresting anyone who looks Hispanic is not the way to go. In fact, several people being deported have had no criminal record.
Some of these immigrants have come through a legal pathway to the U.S., but since Trump came into office the apps or online sources for immigration procedures have been shut down due to his cutting of federal services and funding. So basically what Trump is doing is making it impossible for anyone to legally immigrate to the U.S. Trump is basically shutting out all immigration to the U.S. and deporting all Hispanic-looking people on the pretense that all of them belong to gangs. It's akin to ethnic cleansing so to speak.
Watch this awesome vid about El Salvador solution to the gangs problem.
DJT Officially Designated as Terrorists via EO (Executive Action) since starting his second term Jan 20th. TDA, the Venezuelan organized 'gang' members just deported.
DJT also recently formally designated other 'gangs' like MI6 and drug cartels as Terrorists. If someone on JT says otherwise, simply misinformed or dishonest.
Let's not forget that Trump himself, last year, promised to deport Haitian immigrants, regardless of their status, as a form of "remigration", which is another way of saying ethnic cleansing or forced migration.
He also mentioned people from Venezuela as all violent people, even though many of them have come to the U.S. through legal ways.
He can’t. He doesn’t have the power. Only a court can determine the innocence or guilt of the people involved.
Going to be great to hear from the court about this “auto pen” legality for pardons when Biden wasn’t even at the White House.
Oddly it wasn’t worded this way at all when Trump was targeted. Awww it’s “stressful” lol
Justin Case
The US is increasingly extreme, it no longer looks, or acts like a moderate, considered, mature democracy. In a general sense the country has elected an absolute Lightning Rod of a president, but internally education, social services, health care, drugs and violence etc etc - the very fabric of the society is steadily ripping apart.
I meet Americans here in Japan, work with some, and they are always the most extreme people in the building. Self centred, self focused, loud, but also riddled with anxiety and insecurity as well.
It looks more and more like a powder keg, the US, and you feel that a spark to ignite it could come anytime.
Nothing in the Constitution requires pardons to be in writing at all.
Several presidents since Jefferson have relied on autopens, some more publicly than others. Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Obama, and Richard Nixon
Autopens are legal. But if you want to know whether Biden knowingly pardoned them, just ask him.
He’s doesn’t have the power to designate people as terrorists.
It sure would be nice to hear for doing what did all these people needed a pardon?
and for everyone who got a pardon did they have to admit what they were pardoned for was true and a crime?
all those loud mouths who said they didn’t need one and wouldn’t take it if offered? They took it.
Deo Gratias
Gotta love the media.
Terrorists, rapists, and drug dealers who shouldn't even be in the U.S. in the first place are, to the media, known as "migrants."
Deo Gratias
Democrats and "progressives" claim to be "champions of democracy."
Okay, let's put this to a vote.
Question: "Should planes full of Venezuelan and El Salvadoran terrorists, rapists, drug dealers, and gang members (who were illegally in the U.S. to begin with) be turned around and flown back to the United States?"
Anyone with at least two functioning brain cells, regardless of their political persuasion, would say that the answer to that question is a resounding "no."
It's quite telling to see which hills some "progressives" choose to die on. They hate Trump so much that they will always side against him -- even if it means siding with vicious gangs of thugs who are illegally in the country.
he can designate groups.
What do groups consist of?
People, ta-da!
Deo Gratias
Actually, this already WAS put to a vote.
It was put to a vote in November.
Removing illegal aliens, especially violent ones who belong to terror groups and gangs, was one of Donald Trump's signature campaign issues.
And he won the election in a resounding victory -- some would even say a landslide.
And he won, in large part, because he vowed to remove such above-mentioned thugs from the country.
So ... every time some "progressive" group like the ACLU shops around for a "progressive activist" in a black robe to dictatorially thwart the legitimate orders of a duly-elected president on the immigration issue ...
... those "progressives" are guilty of not accepting the 2024 election results.
They're guilty of the very same thing they accused Trump supporters of, four years prior.
The stark-rank hypocrisy couldn't be more glaring.
Dango bong
firstly, illegal aliens and even legal aliens are guests in the US and have no rights
secondly, protecting illegals and criminals will not get you re-elected or garner favor
losing battle and as long as Dems and Libs keep it up they are only keeping Republicans in office longer
How do you know a person is a member of a group?
The President has the absolute constitutional authority to deport any person he sees as a potential threat to the nation.
Under Article II of the Constitution, the president has the responsibility to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” This means the president can issue executive orders or set priorities for how immigration laws, including deportation laws passed by Congress, are enforced.
the president can declare an emergency and take executive action regarding deportations, such actions are subject to legal limits, congressional authority, and judicial review
Now while the courts are looking at this case, if the DOJ can show proof that this woman was a jihadist sympathizer, she's gone for good. The Supreme Court would back the President based on that surmised threat possibility.
Dango bong
Incorrect. They have rights.
Yes, why do you think people are fleeing the West Coast and certain East Coast states?
For too,too long the Democrats have overly abused the Federal Government and the taxpayers and tripled the size of government and adding massively to the National debt. Everyone got too fat, lazy and stagnant and accepted the status quo, not anymore.
So true
Possible, I wouldn’t entirely disagree with that projection.
jihadist sympathizer isn’t a crime
They didn’t last time.
wow…..so now you support jihadists.
You might just wanna wrap it up while you are losing badly.
Nothing. They were preventive and aimed at preventing political persecution bu Donald Trump.
Not saying I agree with them, just what they were officially for, in case you missed it when they were announced.
can you do that?
you can pardon someone without identifying the crime they committed and without them admitting any criminality?
No, but the potential of it leading to a crime is a much, much higher possibility because most Jihadists want to see the destruction of the US and Israel or can you show me a Jihadist who doesn’t believe in that? If you can show me.
They did when it came to keeping Trump on the ballot which is, thankfully one of the main reasons he’s where he’s at now and this case is about a supporter of jihadism and given the history we had with it.
My money is on the Courts, followed by civil disturbance , followed by National Guard and others to restore order.
The US military people, generals etc, are loyal to the USA and the USA is itself "loyal to " the Constitution.
Down the line, soldiers will follow orders.
I believe supporting jihadists will (and should) deny a person entry into our country, which is what happened.
we want proof! Ok, There were pictures on her phone that were examined.
thats not a crime! Ok, that’s why she is at home with her jihadist buddies now, not in prison.
not “a kidney specialist was denied entry!!!” as was disingenuously posted.
I can't, no. But he president apparently can.
Under a section called the "Commander-in-chief clause," Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution says the president "shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."
"He does not need to wait until someone is charged, tried or convicted," said Jeffrey Crouch, an assistant professor of American politics at American University and author of the book "The Presidential Pardon Power." "The Supreme Court has recognized the president’s flexibility in this area."
"It is both legal and probably prudent for President Biden to consider pardoning people who could be hit with bogus charges or harassed with the elements of law enforcement just because he doesn’t like what they say or what they’ve said," Norman Ornstein, senior fellow emeritus at the American Enterprise Institute, a public policy think tank in Washington, told ABC News.
jihadist sympathizer isn’t a crime
How did you determine that?
The same way that ICE did with this woman? Arbitrarily and without evidence.
I’m not. But if the US is to deport someone, they should have the right to defend themselves, rather than just being deported.
jihadist sympathizer isn’t a crime
So why wasn’t she given a trial before she was deported?
by searching her phone. And seeing pictures. that’s evidence.
you sure choose strange people to fight for the rights of. Terrorists and violent criminals and now jihadist buddies.
Everyone denied entry to our country now gets a trial? Not how it works in USA.
Readers, please don't get fixated on this one story. Some of you have been posting non-stop here for more than 3 hours. Japan Today discourages obsessive posting.
That is against the first amendment.
How do you know? There was no trial.
Free speech. Also, how do you determine why she has those photos? They may be research, etc.
Without charges and a trial, we don’t know.
Because she was deported illegally.
She has a visa.
Did Trump use legal means, appeals included, to seek protection from paying debts .?
Just asking
How did you determine that?
The same way that ICE did with this woman? Arbitrarily and without evidence.
Evidence without context. Without a trial you can’t prove guilt.
So basically, if I know someone who is related to someone who knows someone else who is related to someone who is associated with a violent, gang, I could be arrested as well, even if I have never met the violent gang member?
Sure, but someone who already has been allowed entry and has a visa should have a trial if they are to revoke it contrary to the first amendment.
I thought you right wingers loved the Constitution.
This is what you get when a scofflaw felon and repeat offender is allowed to sit behind the resolute desk. Biden and side-kick Garland left America another fine mess with 47. Putting this rogue Potus back in power can only end in tears for Americans, but, looking on the bright side, it's extremely unlikely his demented regime will last 4 years.
If you want to challenge the legality of those two facts, feel free to to do in court. I'm sure there are plenty of right-wing constitutional lawyers who will happily take the case.
I don't have a team. Politics is not a sport and only incredibly stupid people view the world in binary opposition.
Did you miss the part where I wrote "Not saying I agree with them"? I was talking about the pardons. Sorry if the syntax was too complicated.
Clearly, you skipped the same 5th grade civics class that Donny slept though or you'd know that everyone inside the USA has many "rights", regardless of their status.
Please educate yourself.
Express sister
No, they can’t. Executive orders cannot violate the law.
finally rich
Bukele’s a genius—El Salvador just took 238 Tren de Aragua thugs and 23 MS-13 monsters from the U.S., locking them in CECOT while making prisons self-sustainable through the Zero Idleness program. This slashes their $200 million prison costs, all while the U.S. pays a low fee—a win-win Trump orchestrated. Patriots, this is the border security we voted for, crushing gangs the left’s judges protect by blocking the Alien Enemies Act.
...continuing my theme....and IF Trump did use the law for bankruptcy protections, would that have been "his rights under law "?
Can you see where I am going with this ?
Either the law applies or it doesnt....you dont get to disregard bits you dont like and embrace bits that assist you.
You cant be "a little bit pregnant "....
Applying the law in a democracy means giving legal rights to people or ideas you might not like.
See the statue holding the scales of Justice ?
She is blindfolded.
Think about it
finally rich
who even is the judge? To say “no no, fly the criminals back. We must be kind to them.”
Get him out. He should leave America tbh, seems like treason.
Illegal attempt to abuse presidential power, focus on lowering the grocery prices
So the president needs to be at the White House in order to execute his powers? Yeah, nice mental gymnastics there….
Going to be great to hear from the court about this “auto pen” legality for pardons when Biden wasn’t even at the White House.”
I can't believe with all the things happening including what other presidents and prime ministers are saying and doing that there are still people supporting this guy. They've been brain washed to the point of no return. They will never agree with the other side on any points because its admitting their wrong. Just like the narcissistic person in charge.
I hope I live long enough to see KARMA be handed down.
And how long ago was it that I called this on this very site? His cult of sycophants literally see him as a god emperor to rule over their feeble pathetic minds. Worst of it is, they're dumber than he is in order for them to put him on a pedestal as a brilliant "king"... I mean "leader".
"Let them buy Tesla" -Musk Antoinette.
This is from Polifact.
Bob Fosse
Here’s what’s going to happen. Evidence will be found of 47 using autopens then maga will declare it fake news.
It's rumored in the White House Trump uses an auto sharpie.
Nobody addressing my raising of legal issues....everyone just wants to vent.
Neednt have "trials " or hearings for all people....you can have the group act as one plaintiff and have the Courts decide on procedural fairness and the like.
If POTUS "swears to uphold the Constitution of the United States "..should that mean adhering to the Constitution , and all the amendments and interpretations by Supreme Courts over a hundred years.
Founding fathers were close in history to many instances of tyrants and framed the Constitution to avoid such dangers.
So Biden can import them but Trump can't deport them. Got it! Soon the judge will order the astronauts back to the space station. Crazy.
But he can pardon his terrorist friends who attack the capitol in Jan 6..
MAGA regime is turning US in a fascist dictataorship..