Japan Today

Nearly 50% of Japan's singles have no dating prospects: gov't survey


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It has a lot to do with the unbelievably high standards Japanese women have for a prospective partner. Oh that and Japanese men seeming to prefer animated girlfriends

27 ( +36 / -9 )

When I came to Japan omiai were still common, solving this problem.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

When I came to Japan omiai were still common, solving this problem.

Omiai still are popular. The method or approach has changed, but it's here.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

It has a lot more to do with lifestyles of the working class. Who has time for a relationship of you are working 60 hours a week? Furthermore, who has enough money for dating if your full time salary is under ¥200,000 per month? Then, let’s move onto the horror stories of stalking, violence and ownership of girlfriends. A third of Japanese women in their thirties are single by choice, most of them do not want a relationship because of previous trouble with Japanese men-children.

Nearly half of all couples in japan met in the workplace.

26 ( +30 / -4 )

I go with the financial resources part. Americans can get married at any time, despite how well heeled their would-be partner might be. Of course, you have your bluebloods who sniff about certain matches, but by and large the middle classes have no problem with their children marrying people who are still students, struggling to break into a career or who fail make the 50,000$ bottom limit often tossed around in Japan. In addition, young American couples don't need to drop 10 grand or more for a Disney-fied wedding party unless they want to.

Are there a lot of other factors at play here, sure, but these kind of expectations, especially on the part of young women, make it seem highly unlikely that the numbers will ever rise again. And hell, that's just fine too.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

They are getting married, married to the office, work, otaku culture, AKB....

17 ( +19 / -2 )

Plenty of dating apps out there to find a partner but unless there is financial ability to take care of a family then marriage is a daunting prospect.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Lets have a guess

1/ Long work hours

2/ Lack of money

3/ The rise of the "herbivore" man

4/ High percentages of women with a past in the "redlight" industries.

-2 ( +11 / -13 )

Actually - I have to agree with Vince on this. I am looking at this from talking to girls I have had as friends over the years. So many regret giving up the 'nice' guy when they were with in their late twenties/early thirties because they thought there was someone out there with who was either 'richer' , 'more stable', 'their parents would approve of more'

I think there is a fair chance this is more common in Tokyo with such an abundance of wealth constantly in view.

I worked with a girl once who was well above average in looks, was very friendly to everybody but point blank refused to date anybody who didn't have a nice car, wouldn't be seen dead in the 'pub', scoffed us at if we ordered Burgers for lunch etc. I think you get the picture. She had various boyfriends on and off, one got as far as 'talking about marriage' but never happened.

I left that company and bumped into her 10 years later, throwing up on the street outside McDonald's (burger wrapper in hand) in Ebisu after another failed date. She must have been in her early 40's at that point.

23 ( +26 / -3 )

Name one benefit that a man gets for being in a relationship that he can't get outside of one. I thought so.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

I go with the financial resources part. Americans can get married at any time, despite how well heeled their would-be partner might be.

That’s not what data and survey research on the US shows. 

The average age at first marriage for US women is 27.4 years, 29.5 years for men. For Japan it’s 29.3 and 30.9. Not so different from the US and notably earlier than in the UK.

The US has seen a dramatic increase in the percentage of the adult population that has never married. Survey research indicates that financial insecurity is a major factor in this.

Overall, the US and a number of European countries are moving in the same direction as Japan.

There was a spate of news articles about changing marriage patterns in the US in 2017.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Name one benefit that a man gets for being in a relationship that he can't get outside of one. I thought so.

Really? Love, bro. Without it, life is hardly worth living. Now if you said not in a marriage, sure. Have you ever met 50 or 60 somethings who lack a romantic partner?

1 ( +10 / -9 )

bullfighter, where did I say anything about age?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Ladies, we’re out here, and we want you.

Keep looking.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Name one benefit that a man gets for being in a relationship that he can't get outside of one.

Thing is, if you can't imagine or appreciate the benefits, you're never gonna get them.

Which is very sad.

7 ( +16 / -9 )

Name one benefit that a man gets for being in a relationship that he can't get outside of one. I thought so.

I've never had a relationship with another human being like the one I have with my wife. Being a partnership, we both succeed or fail with each other, so it's in both our interests to ensure we succeed. We are also raising two kids in which we both are fully invested in ensuring a quality life. This has given me a person I can talk with like no one else in my life - including my parents and kids. I wouldn't have this same relationship if we were not married. And to be clear - that's separate from love.

Marriage is a risk no doubt. If mine ever were to fall apart, I suspect I may not get married again, since I won't have any more children.

But as far as it goes, I have never (seriously) regretted getting married, and the longer we're together, the stronger our bond gets. I would have never had that if I were of the belief that marriage provides no value.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

Too much Cosplay, has been diminishing the interest in the opposite sex!

4 ( +7 / -3 )

The hikikomoris are just waiting to be discovered......literally!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

half of singles in Japan who wish to get married are unable to find a suitable partner, with 61.4 percent of the group stating they are not doing anything to change the situation

And that's why nothing's going to change.

Doctor I'm too fat.

Would you consider eating fewer pies?


13 ( +14 / -1 )

Furthermore, who has enough money for dating if your full time salary is under ¥200,000 per month? 

Fully agree with this. If you are working full time and your salary is ¥200,000 or under, you definitely need to focus on how you failed so miserably in life to be making such low wages. No time to waste on dating for sure!

-17 ( +3 / -20 )

Name one benefit that a man gets for being in a relationship that he can't get outside of one. I thought so.

Oh, come on. The thrill of the chase and the later familiarity have their benefits. However, in my experience, the majority of Japanese men and women are hopeless at even starting the chase.

If you are talking about intimacy ( or maybe it’s just my mind ), I know one friend who is married with a kid but they both have others on the side and both are fine with it. They seem to get on great and love each other’s company.

Some can find the best of both worlds.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

@Vince Black

It has a lot to do with the unbelievably high standards Japanese women have for a prospective partner

Geez, life was merciless with you!! When I was free I had several possible marriage partners, and it was obvious that the money was not their aim, because I did not have much lol

The problem we have here is typical for consumer societies. It's not only Japan, but also other developed countries - Italy, Germany, South Korea etc. People in poor countries are sure have less money, but they reduplicate in record numbers - Pakistan, Bangladesh, African countries. Different mentality.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Fully agree with this. If you are working full time and your salary is ¥200,000 or under, you definitely need to focus on how you failed so miserably in life to be making such low wages. No time to waste on dating for sure!

No comment

5 ( +5 / -0 )

@Tiana Young

Fully agree with this. If you are working full time and your salary is ¥200,000 or under, you definitely need to focus on how you failed so miserably in life to be making such low wages. No time to waste on dating for sure!

: sometimes people get stuck through no fault of their own. My mother has a great employment history, 2 bachelors degrees (and not useless fields, one was criminal justice, and I forget the other), teaching certificate, and a CDL (commercial driver's license - needed to drive heavy equipment, buses, and other large vehicles). She still struggles to even make over 20,000 USD a year (around ¥2,000,000 annual still below ¥200,000 per month). She left her last really good job due to mistreatment by her superior (she was fairly high up in the company but still had a boss to answer to). That was several years ago now. She's even relocated to other states a few times when she could afford to, to try for different jobs. No luck (jobs not hiring, or someone with just that little bit more experience or higher degree (MBA, etc) winning out). So trying to say someone failed at life to making a low wage, is just heartless ignorance :( .

The economy in the US even isn't great for trying to raise children. Both parents usually have to work, and even then, they barely scrape by since childcare costs are also high, but one parent working with another as a stay-at-home, just doesn't work for the vast majority of people. From everything I've read/watched, Japan isn't much different. Maybe a little worse since they have less in the way of daytime childcare services for working parents, and the few that do exist usually have long wait lists and are definitely not cheap.

Even where I work, many of my co-workers have second jobs (1 part-time, 1 full-time), and their spouses also work full-time, just to barely not have to worry too much about finances, but then, they never see their families, as they are working 70+ hours a week. They all come in straight from their other jobs, not even stopping at home, and when they go home at the end of the night, their family is already asleep.

So from my perspective the biggest problem in most developed nations when it comes to being able to have a family is a) finances and b) time away from the job(s). And as has been proven over time by social economists, the lower on the income ladder a family is, the less likely it is for a child of that family will ever go above that. In most cases, they either end up at the same level, or even lower, as the parents couldn't afford college, and the financial aid just wasn't there, other than massive loans that most can't afford). Japan's schools are even more expensive in most cases, as they don't nearly have the same level of financial aid programs available in the US. Even high schools in Japan cost money.

There are lots more factors other than what I've talked about with money and childcare, etc. but from my own studies and reading, I believe them to be the biggest issues.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

On Tuesday, the cabinet also approved an annual report on children and young people, in which it showed that 48.5 percent of 13- to 29-year-olds disagree that men should be the breadwinner while women stay at home, while 14.6 percent agree.

Totally agree, obsolete life plan.

50 years ago there were 3.5 billion and one planet, today 7.5 billion and the same planet, resoruces are lot more scarce and expensive.

Whether women want to have Children by their 30s, they must start saving money for this purpose from their 20s, not spending all in shopping and luxury trips.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

As I have been harping for ages here it certainly looks like Japans birthrate & number of newborns will continue to steadily decrease & dare I saw may well plummet...….either way it is NOT looking good for Japans population distribution, the pyramid continues to point LITERALLY upside down

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Got to love the guys here who are complaining that J ladies are too picky.

Dude, its probably that you aren’t attractive to her! And now you apply that logic across the board?

I wouldn’t go out with anyone unless I thought they were hot in some way either.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Same issue here. Start dating young (when both of you are young) or get arranged marriage by parents (in most cases, you do get final word). Dating websites are flawed and some use fake profile pix just to entice. They make you register and explain everything...then they say "well, you wanna actually use this website, you better pay up before we show you the women or allow you to talk." They could've said that before I inputted all that data they sell to data collection companies (why we still pay for site is unclear since they sell our data anyway).

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Fully agree with this. If you are working full time and your salary is ¥200,000 or under, you definitely need to focus on how you failed so miserably in life to be making such low wages. No time to waste on dating for sure!

How unpleasant.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Why get married when you can just buy?

Unless you are extremely good looking, even if you get married because of your career or money, your wife would just spend your money on host clubs or her good looking boyfriend(s) anyways. No point for most guys.

If you spend around just 500,000 a month, you get more companionship than most marriages can offer, and probably cheaper as Japanese women are known to drop 1,000,000+ a night on host clubs.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Marriage and sex are two different things. you cannot simply buy marriage. Perhaps sex yes, if you adhere to immorality-called cases. But man needs to work to live and not the other way of living in order to work.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Japanese women are "too picky"?

I married a beautiful Japanese woman with a heart of gold.

Apparently they aren't picky at all.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Why get married when you can just buy?

You can't buy decades of companionship.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

strangeland.. offcourse you can, as long as you willing to pay and have the budget

2 ( +5 / -3 )

In other news, papakatsu, a word women are using to replace words like enkou and prostitution, has risen to a meteoric high.

Nah, more convenient to ignore that little statistic, and downvote it to oblivion.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

That's what happens when you segregate boys and girls at such an early age in the school system... in addition, the dodgy manga porn that jp guys have such a penchant for...

as usual, japan is it's own worst enemy.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

strangeland.. offcourse you can, as long as you willing to pay and have the budget

No, you can't.

They simply are not the same thing.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Woke up this morning and this is the first article I read. Now I'm depressed. I had two beautiful relationships that ended (my fault) and decided no more. My heart hurt way too much. Guess too late for me now, too old. Left my job now I'm a caregiver for my wonderful loving mom. Trying to visit Japan by myself this fall for a couple of weeks but love was just never there again for me. So instead I'll just love the beauty of Japan.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Japanese women are sick of the misogyny and being treated like 2nd class citizens, they have had enough of being slaves to a bunch of immature mummies boys... who can blame them for not being interested in their own men?

message to jp doods , grow up!

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

If you really want to get married, first, be interesting.

Watching TV or playing video games all the time isn't interesting.

Turn off all your screens and get outside. Get a life. Do things. Not just work things. Interesting things that the person you want to marry might be doing or also be very interested in doing.

It isn't about being pretty for men. Smart women know to look below the surface. Beauty fades for all of us. The inside person outshines the exterior. If you just want the exterior, rent. If you want a true partner, look deeper, for a soulmate.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Although the article refers to this as a government survey, but no Japanese responded to this survey. The other day, an American student at the Tokyo uni reported that half of Japanese male uni students were virgins, and it was widely reported by foreigners who hate Japan such as NYT, BBC, and The Guardian. Later that American student said it was the result of asking 50 of his friends. But other Japanese students said they didn't know him. And yes, that American student was indeed a "unattractive gaijin" to Japanese girls.

A ignorant Westerner proudly says to us, "You Japanese are ugly robots don't know love." It doesn't sound to me the words of a human who knows love. That's because it's the same excuses of the white colonists who slaughtered Asians, Native Americans and Aboriginals, the Nazis, and Chicom robots mentioned when they enjoying ethnic cleansing.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

What's the point of getting married and raising a family if you're just going to spend 80% of your waking life working for a company that doesn't value you enough to pay fair wages (not to mention obligatory nomikai), paying expensive club fees for children who you barely know, while your relationship with your spouse turns into a slowly sinking ship which you don't have the time nor inclination to stop? What time is there for any kind of self fulfillment?

The government's measures are to promote marriage, but why not create an environment where people actually want to get married in the first place?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Go on dates

Start Banging

Find a person that doesn't drive you nuts

and stick it out. . .

whilst sticking it in.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Sex is great!

The Complications of having Kids in Japan... is not..... the J-Gov hasn't quite figured this out yet.

So It's with little wonder, that they're trying to bring back overseas Japanese Kids ... but for what prospect ?

There's a few things that need to change here. Notably, a bunch of old "Farts" need to be retired from Government quickly - ... Abe that's you too... and replaced with some more pragmatic people who will be more open to the modern populace about their actions. (AND, which doesn't the Right winger's driving around in black buses... so stop supporting them please... that's been a complete waste of Government money - and during the forthcoming Sporting events will completely "FUBAR" Modern Japan's attempts at being seen distant days of past.... Yes, they ARE supported by our Tax Payers Money!!!!).

I've nothing against elder statesmen/women, though both camps are apparently corrupt and completely inept. So where do you go to ?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Vince Black

It has a lot to do with the unbelievably high standards Japanese women have for a prospective partner. Oh that and Japanese men seeming to prefer animated girlfriends

Japanese women's standards are surprisingly modest compared to Korean and Chinese women. Korean and Chinese women ask for the sky and can get it.

Japanese women by comparison is asking for men with a full time position and an annual salary of 5 million yens. But the problem with Japan is that Japan is such a low-income country now that very few men under 35 make 5 million yens a year.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

I think it'll be pretty hard for the JP women to find a JP man who doesn't smoke.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Japanese girls may not be easier to approach at first but they easily fall in love...with rather the countryside guys, Not the city guys with high career.

Any Natural beauty Japanese girls who visit Nepal or developing countries, they fall in love with those Organic Village guys.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


I've never had a relationship with another human being like the one I have with my wife. Being a partnership, we both succeed or fail with each other, so it's in both our interests to ensure we succeed. We are also raising two kids in which we both are fully invested in ensuring a quality life. This has given me a person I can talk with like no one else in my life - including my parents and kids. I wouldn't have this same relationship if we were not married. And to be clear - that's separate from love.

Marriage is a risk no doubt. If mine ever were to fall apart, I suspect I may not get married again, since I won't have any more children.

But as far as it goes, I have never (seriously) regretted getting married, and the longer we're together, the stronger our bond gets. I would have never had that if I were of the belief that marriage provides no value.

Well done and said Strangerland. Heartwarming.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


Why get married when you can just buy?

You can't buy decades of companionship.

Again, we'll said.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Been very happily married for 30 years, fantastic wife is Japanese, bunch of great kids. Life is great.

There are many negative factors at play here in Japan.

Immature guys having grown up on video games, manga. etc, whose dads didn't give them an example of how to relate to women. The economy is poor and so are they.

Immature women who were spoilt as girls and who are very materialistic have had poor education regarding men, relationships, sex, marriage and childbearing.

Etc. etc. Poor Japan. As much as I love it, I feel sorry for all the lonely people here.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I don't have any faith in these Gov't surveys dreamed up by old geezers waste of time Gov't workers should go out and do some real work.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Society is changing

World is changing

So time to think outside ‘group behavior ‘

really sad for for young people trapped in the past

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Ok, I guess I'm gonna have to tackle this problem all by myself. It'll be for the good of the country. You're welcome.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Why not go back to the parents who had them between 1999 - 1979 and ask them why they chose to have children. The pill was legalized in 1999.

What could a young unmarried couple do say back in 1985 if they got pregnant?

The post WW II planners had a big job planning a better more efficient society, but I think they got a little carried away. Life/work vs work/life

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Brainwashing (shikata ga nai...ganbatte to slave work...school rules ideology) and material girls (and boys) to the end.

I know a J girl who prefers to remain single at 35 than to go out with a divorced man. I feel pity for the guy who appears to be nice and with average income.

Love is all.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Japan has always been a fragile nation, ever balancing its demand for economic resources with human productivity. But Japan grew up too quickly since the Meiji Restoration and particularly since 1950 — resulting in excessive work, repressed social interactions and significant industrialization layered on an underdeveloped political and financial system. The tipping point came with the burst of the Bubble Economy that has since pushed Japanese society well out of balance. The impacts appear in the form of hermit adult children, a low interest to marry or have children, high suicides, low salaries, and a declining fecundity. Japan will need to make hard choices to achieve balance — but the choices are ones Japanese wish not to make (relaxing immigration, treating women as equals, and allowing for work/life balance). Japan’s love for tradition has been its own worst enemy and this is why Japan is rushing toward “people zero.”

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Japanese Govt. investing huge amount in overseas but unfortunately very limited activity or investment to change the situation of declining birthrate & marriage.

There are lot's of way to inspire them to get married and have baby.

All couple has main concern, how to manage leaving cost? How to buy a house, a car and how to manage expense of kids for their daily life, school, Kumon, Juku, University etc etc etc.

Unless investment behind the present young generation, how could govt. expect to improve the situation???

I believe lot's of people has idea to improve the declining birthrate & marriage.

Who is going to listen to ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )


It's their business, no one else's.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So from my perspective the biggest problem in most developed nations when it comes to being able to have a family is a) finances and b) time away from the job(s). And as has been proven over time by social economists, the lower on the income ladder a family is, the less likely it is for a child of that family will ever go above that. In most cases, they either end up at the same level, or even lower, as the parents couldn't afford college, and the financial aid just wasn't there, other than massive loans that most can't afford). Japan's schools are even more expensive in most cases, as they don't nearly have the same level of financial aid programs available in the US. Even high schools in Japan cost money. There are lots more factors other than what I've talked about with money and childcare, etc. but from my own studies and reading, I believe them to be the biggest issues.

Well said Thomas Wilson.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A lack of opportunity to meet an appropriate partner, or not having enough financial resources or ability to get along with the opposite sex are cited as major reasons

Stop working 60 hours a week, then you'll have the opportunity to meet an appropriate partner. No, wait, then you may not have enough financial resources... well, you can always consider a partner of the same sex if you don't mind not having kids. That will help with finances...

3rd biggest economy in the world and the Japanese still have it tough.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Or redefined marriage to allow more than one partner ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Another problem in Japan, is exemplified by what we see in the Photo here.

The Girl has a Girlish rucksack, but the boy... he has a shoulder handbag... not a satchel, a shoulder slung handbag... Prada perhaps ? And notice the fluffy whats-it he has hanging off the handle strap - I guess this is modern day Feminate man.... does that really appeal to Women ? He's not alone sadly... I wonder if the Japan SDF has problems recruiting - or do they allow everyone to carry Lipstick ?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The Girl has a Girlish rucksack, but the boy... he has a shoulder handbag... ~ - I guess this is modern day Feminate man.... 

That rucksack don't look all that girlish to me (whatever girlish is). It looks practical, down to earth, easy to carry.

Good for her.

The boy's bag - effeminate? Better to my mind than having pockets crammed full of stuff because the Man hasn't got the gumption to put everything in a bag. And the fluffy thing - lots of bags have zips that are hard to get hold of. Attaching some kind of dingle-dangle makes it easier. More practical than continuing to struggle 'because it's manly'.

Mr cleo once spent half a day wandering round department stores in Tokyo carrying a cute little plastic handbag covered in pink dots and with a Hello Kitty dingle-dangle handing off it. (It was our daughter's - she had given it him to hold while she tried on some new shoes, then gone off back home with her grandmother without remembering to reclaim her bag). A masculine man is one confident enough in himself to not worry what others think. Even when he's carrying a pink handbag.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I guess this is modern day Feminate man.... does that really appeal to Women ?

Dunno. My wife, a Brit, said she finds Japanese men a bit ‘girly’ ( I’m no macho type ), but says many of her female Japanese friends like ‘girly’ men.

Come to think of it, my sister always went out with girly types and married a girly type despite ( due to? ) the fact she’s a loudmouth and control freak.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I don't think finances are an issue. A lot of people, from what I witnessed in Tokyo, were loaded and financially ok - they could have easily went back with my American friend to live in the land of the free, with her Alicia keys phone cover and American flag backpack. But,...it within their taste or how they have been groomedin their minds as to what a good partner equates to them. Such a shame, though. So many of those beautiful women I saw there. It was love at first sight (though there is no such thing for them in their world) Only SHOKAIs (from group friends) or company NOMIKAIs. Or,.. adult video actresses who get recruited and are wasted away by goons and thugs. Amazing their is such control over their people and the thinking.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Oh dear! I am currently travelling in Japan. Might I say that I think Japanese men and women are a beautiful race of people. I read many of the comments above and it seems that this problem exists in my country, Australia, as well. Tis difficult to meet decent partners at any age. For me, honesty and integrity rate higher than income. As a single independent lady, I earn my own money. From experience, I know that trust in a relationship is very important. Unfortunately, finding a strong, decent man who shares similar values and morals, is difficult to find. It doesn't matter, to me, who earns more, who drives the best car or who lives in the fanciest house. It appears that the good men are taken or dead...lol. My son said to me a couple of months ago, "Listen Mum, if a man is single at your age, unless he is widowed, he's a loser!" Sad.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Jennifer, scientifically speaking, Japanese is not a race. It’s a population and nationality. To say Japanese is a race implies that Japanese are genetically very different, yet they are not.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Jennifer, scientifically speaking, Japanese is not a race. It’s a population and nationality. To say Japanese is a race implies that Japanese are genetically very different, yet they are not.

Japanese isn't a race, it's an ethnicity, a nationality, and a culture.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Thomas Wilson

Sorry, but your mom can't have a great employment record, education and brimming full of useable skills AND can't crack $20k a year. Doesn't compute unless you're leaving out history of alcoholism or drug abuse or some mysteries.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

How unpleasant.

Sometimes the plain, hard truth is unpleasant.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

@Tiana Young

yar unpleasant like your narrow minded view

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Here in Japan. Foreigner men just think they're top dog, and think all the women want them. All they want is to tick off that little box in their head, thst they've slept with a Japanese girl. Japanese men on the other hand, assume that all foreigner women are the same - that we are easy. They think because we're foreigner, they can anything they want. Like:"I like big boob".

Not wonder the dating game is crap...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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